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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Why sign a player just because it's a body as every body is saying ? The kids usless and would only tie up money that could be used on a better players.
  2. Was a decent interview. As was Danny Simpson's interview this morning in between Talksports determination to pretend that 99% of the crowd left after 30 minutes Aye the have been going on about that all day, doing my nut in
  3. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    I do not play football but Barton's tackle on Diaby a "Strong but Fair " one? He went in sliding with all his weight on his knees! Diaby was lucky not to have a broken leg. I do not condone his reaction though, its stupidity and no brainer. - Peter, Essex, 07/2/2011 09:51 Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1354321/Jamie-Redknapp-Joey-Barton-Newcastles-main-man.html#ixzz1DHJvGxFU Barton on his knee's i must have missed that part
  4. What rumours? The match fixing scandal. If you do a google for the match, it leads stright back to RTG. Strange eh http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=match+fixing+scandal&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a#hl=en&xhr=t&q=newcastle+v+arsenal+match+fixing+scandal&cp=19&pf=p&sclient=psy&client=firefox-a&hs=nKX&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB%3Aofficial&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=newcastle+v+arsenal+match+fixing+scandal&pbx=1&fp=5083440815b601b8
  5. Come on lads get a grip. It terrible for the lad of this injury destroys his carear.
  6. Did anybody else notice lambsarse trembling with his hand in front of his mouth. ?
  7. Pardew is such an amazing manager. All the hard work has been destroyed in about 6 weeks. Sensational job. We lost 5-1 to Bolton. We beat Arsenal. This team were never that good. They just had phenomenal team spirit and work ethic that was largely the result of the manager. They over performed. We aren't getting hammered because Andy Carroll isn't playing. We are getting hammered because that team spirit has been destroyed through bad decisions. This was inevitable. It's one bloody game. It's actually 2 now
  8. Could you give me a example of the above statment, because all i can see is history repeating (sung i a shirley bassy voice) it's self.
  9. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    Ashley is not building for the future though.
  10. That all sounds like load of rubbish
  11. So I was right, all Roman's f***ing fault. Suppose we shaft chelsea on the fee then
  12. Spot on, I live in the damn city and it's doing my nut in
  13. . The site might be rubbush, but the quotes are real, just shows how long before it hit the press this deal was going on. There both still cunts like
  14. What we have seen happen over the last few month's would suggest he running to an exit stratergy. Let's hope if this is the case the new owner has a bit ambition
  15. Should we really give a shit, Hell yes we should. Nolans just bitchslapped us as we recover from being kicked in the nuts by Ashley. Out of interest, why should we not care ?
  16. Well said that man, It amuses me that people do not see that.
  17. If it's any consolation, nobody outside of this forum will know of care about it. You think, I'm fucking sick of having the piss ripped out of me about this shit. The internets a small place and in time a red top or another clubs supporters will pick up on the joke statement from Nolan. Reading Nolans statment highlights how gutted carrol was about the move as well. This clubs doomed wtf for i have no idea but fuck me please let the punishment end
  18. That's our ambition not Ashleys. Ashely has never stated his Ambition for NUFC
  19. We will not get the 35 million upfront for carrol, it will be paid over 5years. So we will not invest 35 Million in the summer. If where lucky we may see 10 million of that
  20. Don't think anybody has seen it yet, if it's real
  21. Would Harry say that about Bale going to Barcelona, Inter etc.? I think he would. Of course he would. So why the witch hunt against Nolan all of a sudden? Ok he's not the manager but still a key figure of the club. He was one of the few people who could have influenced Carroll to stay another year instead of telling him to "go fer it!". Sad state of affairs when our club captain is telling our star player his future is better at another club. I'll go back to the Robson quotes where it's not as if his MANAGER fought to keep him. We were getting £14m for a crock. And here we've got £35m for a young player who's played 4 months regular top-flight football with a history of off-field issues. That's not the point though is it? Nolan is our captain and Carroll's best mate. He should have been telling him this is going to be a better place than Liverpool a year down the line not what a fantastic opportunity it was to play in front of the Kop and "you'll never walk alone" wankfest. In that case as manager, Bobby should have been telling Woodgate "forget that Galactico s***, we've finished around the Champions League spots for 3 years here, stay and help us push even further". Thats all a moot point about woodgate as that was a great deal for the club and bobby knew that.
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