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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. There's a monumental difference between playing for Real Madrid at their best, to playing for Liverpool at their worst. He's got the chance to be the main man who could attempt to return them to their former glory. He was in the same position here! Real Madrid are an entirely different level. If I was a Newcastle number 9 I wouldn't want to leave, but if Barca came calling I think I'd be more than a bit tempted, nowhere else though. Replace barca with fat wedge of cash, and the same applys to all modern footballers tbh
  2. Nobody has seen it yet it's all hearsay. Perhaps it be that Carrol made the comments about what nolan said.
  3. We know you're close friends with Kevin Nolan who is a big Liverpool fan - what has he said to you about this club? I have spoken to him. He is over the moon, really delighted for me. He said it's a big chance for me to go out there and show what I can do with Liverpool, and that's what I'm going to do. http://forums.pesfan.com/showpost.php?s=f25e6c7f609147a3111d905d2cf7ca76&p=9507257&postcount=1377
  4. That's net profit on player sales not what ashley has taken from the club as payment for the loan. The repayment to the loan is on the books as 1million
  5. We won't get 35million it will be paid in instalments. We may see 10-15million for the next window.
  6. It's only a million but has generated over 44.5m on players sales which has been used to keep the club ticking over.
  7. Wasnt that only for the championship and if we stay up this season wont we be secure? Financially. It's still going on this season, and will more than likely happen next season.
  8. Just like they invested in the team this window, even though drew stated we needed 2 players. It may be invested in the club, but i doubt it will be in the team
  9. All that took place in a 10 minute time frame ? me thinks not
  10. Interestingly... Pardew must be mega-miffed tonight. Took #NUFC job on promise #Carroll would not be sold, at any price.
  11. I doubt Andy could be forced to do anything like betray the hometown club. as neil stated AC9 has betrayed us the fans.
  12. because when fit hes better than what we have. id rather we pissed around getting woodgate fit than steven taylor all the time Are you mad, we tried to get him fit . That didn't work so sold him.
  13. The scouscers (in stereotypical scouse fashion) pinched that from man city. I just been listening to radio city and the commentators said that the empty seats where due to the irish/foreign supporters could not make it due to being a rearranged mid week game. It's more about the song then the fans. If any group of fans sang it before every match, it be just as good. Minus Sunderland. Back in the 70s it was sang on the terraces of most clubs. Not sure when everyone else stopped singing it. Standing on the terraces, both the home and away fans singing that would make the hairs stand up. I would imagine most clubs stopped due to wanting there own song, not many do now though.
  14. The scouscers (in stereotypical scouse fashion) pinched that from man city. I just been listening to radio city and the commentators said that the empty seats where due to the irish/foreign supporters could not make it due to being a rearranged mid week game.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hgN4NrlXQEQ
  16. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=559242 I'm looking online for tattoo removal at reasonable rates. Got his head tattooed on my thigh on Saturday
  17. Hudson

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