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Everything posted by ShearMagic

  1. ShearMagic

    De Jong

  2. ShearMagic


    Had $50 on Scott Pendlebury for the Norm Smith medal too! Solid $500 pay day!
  3. But compared to us that's shit . We get EVERY premier league game this season. There is not one single fixture that is not being televised. I love Fox Sports.
  4. ShearMagic

    Titus Bramble

    To be fair to him, it's only fair that he gets some of his own back. He's spent his whole career getting raped afterall.
  5. Utterly disappointing result - but there were still good signs. The year we went down we weren't bossing teams around. We were getting bossed around by teams like Hull at home. If their keeper wasn't superman and we took our chances it would've been a different game. Still - hope it's a real eye-opener to the players and they kick on next week. Still plenty of time left in the season and it's impossible to say that we're going to or not going to get relegated 4 weeks in.
  6. Bench: Krul, Campbell, Lovenkrands, R. Taylor, Ameobi, Tiote, Ben Arfa
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricky_van_Wolfswinkel
  8. nope, it's the theatrical way the bloke goes down when HE HAS BEEN FOULED. Both were probably taken into account to be fair.
  9. Well, it's great you got the Blackpool vs. Fulham match up and running Fox Sports, too bad I want the other one up!
  10. Fucking Foxtel, what do we pay these bastards for? To fuck it up, like durr obviously
  11. ShearMagic

    Steven Taylor

    I think he'll end up at Aston Villa personally.
  12. What time are we playing today? I just woke up from a rather good dream where we won 6-0. Let's hope it comes true!
  13. Come on man, have you not noticed the total lack of mobility in midfield? This guy is here to give us energy and somebody who can actually run for 90 minutes, it's massive credit to Hughton for seeing what we lack. I have. But we have to remember that this is a £3.5m signing - which is probably our whole budget. It just means we're going to be left with no creativity in midfield if we don't sign anyone else (which is probably pretty likely)
  14. It was a major priority as we only had one who is dog shit awful. I'd probably classify Barton as a defensive midfielder these days too. At least the way we play. I'm not disappointed to be signing one - but we desperately need creativity. DESPERATELY.
  15. Whilst I'm pleased we're spending money on improving the squad - why have we signed another defensive midfielder? I mean, I know he's going to be better than Smith (if he's not we're in trouble) - but how about signing someone with a bit of creativity? Signing another defensive midfielder wouldn't have been high on my priority list.
  16. In the relegation season this game ended 1-1. and yet we got beat 5-1 in a season we stopped up Which is why this game is really an un-important one. Anything we got from the match was a bonus. It's how we perform against the Blackpool, West Brom's and Wigan's that will determine whether or not we'll stay up.
  17. In the relegation season this game ended 1-1. When did I mention anything about this game?
  18. As others have said it was very pleasing the way the lads kept at it and didn't give up. In the relegation season that game would've finished 5 or 6 nil because as soon as it got to 2-0 our players would've dropped their heads and stopped playing. Carroll was immense. Absolutely fantastic shift put in by him. Where is Lovenkrands? He's got limited capabilities but if we insist on booting the ball up long to Carroll we need someone with a bit of pace to play next to him
  19. ShearMagic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    It's hard to tell. There's so many teams that are on the same level. Obviously the 3 promoted teams are in trouble. I think Sunderland have gone backwards and will be brought into the fight. Wigan also, as well as the teams from last year like Wolves and West Ham. We'll be in the fight - no doubt. However remember what happened last time we had these 'talented' footballers on high wages? They got stroppy and the whole team started to perform badly because of it. All I'm saying is that it's a fine line, and we shouldn't be looking to sign someone just because they're talented. They have to have the right attitude as well.
  20. ShearMagic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Interesting observation after no games.
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