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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. Be like a new signing too!
  2. Getting dem clicks!
  3. Agreed, yet the club will move on.
  4. Krafth is good enough as cover for Tino. Ashby is an unknown atm.
  5. Agreed. I don’t think our overlords have any intention of letting him go just yet, and I’m pleased about that. The post was a quote of Groundhog63 FB link so all could see at a glance. It is a great post.
  6. Maybe we can hoy Hendrick in as a sweetener?
  7. Quite possibly. Let’s see how January ends. Exciting
  8. Folk said the same about Anthony. If we’ve scouted him intensively I’m all in
  9. Yes back in training.
  10. Last year, I had the privilege of spending a day with the Newcastle team at Darsley Park, where I observed their training sessions and joined them for breakfast and lunch. At breakfast, I was seated near a window overlooking the training ground. As I gazed out at I noticed a lone figure diligently setting up a training drill with discs and footballs and other paraphernalia, his hood pulled up against the biting cold and howling wind. I looked a little closer, it was Eddie Howe. I’d heard the rumours that he was first in and last out but never did I expect he’d be putting the bloody cones out! I watched in awe as Eddie led each training session with precision and passion, he was in total control, it was like a military exercise, nothing was left to chance and the only thing he wasn’t in control of was the fckg weather. It was Baltic. The drones hovering above the training ground captured every detail of the sessions, providing Eddie with valuable footage for his post-practice analysis and evening homework. I’ve spent 30 years coaching myself, in the UK, Spain and also in Norway and I can honestly say, what I saw that day blew me away and left me more than a little excited and confident for the future. Eddie's dedication extended beyond the training pitch. His rapport with the players was telling, they clearly knew who the gaffer was, but there was more, there was respect but also a great deal of affection and a massive all round camaraderie. Eddie was the only one not to join his players for lunch that day, opting instead to retreat to his office to study the drills and plan the rest of the day. His P.A. told me, 'it's an obsession, he lives and breathes Newcastle United 24 hours a day. After the final training session, Eddie remained on the pitch for another half-hour, in deep discussions with his coaching staff. Their intense conversation revealed their commitment to constantly refining their approach and maximizing the team's potential. As I departed Darsley Park that day, I was filled with a sense of optimism for my team's future. Eddie Howe is young, humble, honest and incredibly professional but above all a talented coach who possesses the skills and dedication to lead the team to where we all want them to be. IMO he’s up there with Bobby Robson and Kevin Keegan, and I firmly believe that he is the right man to take the team to the next level. It's disheartening to see some fans criticise Eddie and his team, particularly those who have forgotten the club's recent achievements, victories over Manchester City, Chelsea, Arsenal, the great unwashed and Manchester United and who can forget those two performances against PSG. Their short memories and unrealistic expectations reflect a lack of understanding of the complexities of our beautiful but unpredictable game. It aint gonna happen overnight. I understand that injuries have played a significant role in Newcastle's recent struggles, but I believe that with time and patience, the team will overcome these challenges. It takes time, and Eddie is laying the groundwork for future success, he’s already achieved more than we could ever dream of in such a short time. While some fans look no further than the previous poor result, I am confident that Howe and his coaches are planning months and no doubt years down the line. Hopefully our owners stand alongside them. There’s a saying in football, if you know, you know, and clearly some posts on the fan groups of late are beyond the ridiculous, some jokers even calling for the manager to be replaced. They are clearly very young, or more than likely living in a land far, far, away. When you’ve watched the lads since the 70s and seen some of the dross that has been served up on the pitch, watching the football being played at SJP and in some of the finest stadiums in Europe over the last couple of seasons, you can’t help thinking that these so called fans should find another outlet for their frustrations. Eddie Howe is a man who embodies the spirit of Newcastle - passionate, determined, and always striving for excellence. I have no doubt that he is the right man to lead the team to glory and I pray to a god I don’t believe in, that our owners feel the same way. Jose Mourinho, don’t make me laugh, he couldn't tie Eddie's laces.
  11. He’s only got one leg!
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