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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. Carrying shoulder injury looking at options for another keeper!
  2. chance of a well needed rest ??
  3. Opens up thread. Sees Bruce’ name mentioned, leaves thread!
  4. Maybe lacking the energy to close the gaps! We’ll pick up again. This is a journey we’re on and we’re going upwards. It’s bitter sweet to care again. Thank fuck we have a cloob back. Roll on Milan
  5. And this shit time will pass, as shite as it can be knowing how good we can be. It’s still going to be onwards and upwards. Bumps in the road is all
  6. This could set us up nicely! A few returning and 3 points. Let’s do this
  7. Just tuned in, turned off myself now. Just as I’m chortling at the Kloppage time of 10mins, boom der it is! ??
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