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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. Until his Stand in let’s us down consistently that’s just jour opinion like mannnnn! The Dude abides
  2. It’ll give others a chance to shine. We’ve just beat the best team in the world! Keep the faith
  3. Yes me too. He came on so well under Eddie’s coaching/training regime. It was lovely too that some of the first teamers turned up to support him! UNITED
  4. Same job type, 3 different company's. 41 yrs so far
  5. But we love managers that treat us like this! We’re masochists. Let’s embrace him in spite of this! ?
  6. He’ll probably arrive just as we need him! Gutted for him and us also.
  7. Yes The cloggers were kicking us all over. Ref had no control of the match. Twunt!
  8. Good to hear. Harvey will be like a new signing come January!
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