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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. That’s why for me it WAS the best performance. Not so long ago we’d have lost that. Not pretty, but committed to the cause. Targett, Lascelles back next game (hopefully Trips ??) belief and momentum growing and Bruno getting more match time. Onwards and upwards
  2. He’s cool as fuck and a professional, his time is coming!
  3. You’re welcome. It’s fantastic what you folk are doing in contributing to the overall feel of bringing the love back and uniting the club
  4. ?? Doesn’t strike me as rabbit in the headlights type of guy. Confident as fuck more like
  5. Thanks to the team and the fans in the stadium
  6. ? “word to your mother”
  7. Can we have a thread title change: ”Matt Targett is vanilla ice cream”
  8. ? “light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle”
  9. He’s a joy to watch, always looking for the pass, great crosser, tackler and what a free kick! Did I mention ball trapping? ????????
  10. "his passes are like he has the triangle button of a video game on the tip of his boots" Wor flags get on it
  11. Welcome and thanks for the incite. We’re so excited to see what Bruno can do. Cannot wait for him to feel the love
  12. Great work to all involved. Returning the pride and heart back to the club! ????????????
  13. PauloGeordio

    Dan Burn

    Bet his heed is always in cloud 9
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