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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. Welcome and thanks for the incite. We’re so excited to see what Bruno can do. Cannot wait for him to feel the love
  2. Great work to all involved. Returning the pride and heart back to the club! ????????????
  3. PauloGeordio

    Dan Burn

    Bet his heed is always in cloud 9
  4. PauloGeordio

    Dan Burn

    His announcement will be our 22:59 tit bit. berbidaberbider that’s all folks……
  5. Hopefully we’ll look back on this window when we retain Premiership status and say thank fuck for this rag tag band of brothers that kept us up ?
  6. Also who’s Ando’s surprise?
  7. Also can’t Medicals be pending? If all else agreed in principle?
  8. If he signs, thank fook for that saw “the other clip” he’s da bomb ? ?
  9. Medical in France, fax the deal papers!
  10. Smoke and mirrors to force Man U’s hand!
  11. Flu is still a thing? get well and enjoy the ride today!
  12. Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Gonna need a bigger boat!
  13. Oh how I love the New Newcastle!
  14. Or a guaranteed to get you the guy bid! ?
  15. We’re done when we’re done!
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