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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. Imagine the crowd if he walks out of the tunnel tomorrow
  2. ?? Truly the old Newcastle, it would have been Wilson and Maxi ?
  3. Soon enough (and with what’s happened in the last few months as proof) this club is going to take off. These are just a few of the pot holes in the road on our journey back to greatness. we will learn that a positive mental attitude for our club is normal and it will be OK to expect great things. The owners will demand it, and are slowly putting the strong foundations in place to realise this. Trauma of the past will slowly be left there in the past where it belongs. Eddie will get his welcome day as will fans. Now let’s have those fucking 3 points Howe-ay the Lads
  4. Mehrdad: “let’s put all our might behind the team tomorrow, let’s roar and let the world know, this is our house, this is Newcastle”.
  5. Beam him in to the big screen “Eddie, Eddie give us a wave” ???
  6. Professional, driven, focussed, caring, open & fucking minted!
  7. Hopefully ?? #CANS III
  8. Lots of Newcastle fans to click his bait!
  9. As Eddie said “it’s about the football”
  10. ?? With a bit of gold thrown in no doubt (Premier league soon to ban the colour green, pitches to be blue )
  11. ?????????? Great read that. Big 6, they’re shitting themselves. Onwards and upwards. Howe-ay the Lads
  12. W-A-I-T, it will (sure Manorpark won’t mind me using it!)
  13. ?? He’s the real deal. Believes in himself, has integrity, he’s honest & no charlatan. I look forward to hearing him speak every time there’s a new video clip out or interview. He’s gonna be blown away at the Brentford game welcome Eddie love in So excited for the long term future of our club. onwards and upwards
  14. ?? Also Let’s not forget what this same squad (most of them) could/did do under Rafa. I’m hoping for muscle memory effect and Eddie is resetting them ????? Very impressed with him so far, although Bruce turd standards are no hard act to follow. Howe-ay the Lads
  15. Read that as “quids in ‘ere” ? ? ?
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