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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. I can't be arsed to trawl this thread can someone tell me the percentages in favour and percentages against. Cheers
  2. steve wraith he is called
  3. good mates owen played his best football under Houllier
  4. 3-1 on paddy power shortening all of the tme aswell
  5. shearer will buy houllier the time if things don't go well to start imo
  6. 5 trophies in one season. We haven't won that many in most people off this boards lifetime No wonder the media say our expectations are too high He will bring stability to the club he will build us to be a force again whether doing that the steady or spectacular way i don't care. Personally i would be over the moon with his appointment
  7. it should be every NUFC fans duty to boycott this book. Not that i can make you like ...... But i think he has took enough money off us already
  8. the bandwagon is gathering pace...........
  9. houllier and shearer you heard it here first heard it yesterday in the papers
  10. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: good to see people slagging our away fans the majority on this board hardly go to away games man
  11. given rozehnal taylor cacapa enrique milner butt emre zoggy viduka owen harper martins duff edgar shola
  12. Yep, Ranieri would definitely leave Juventus for Newcastle. Maybe he can flatshare with Mancini... Never rated Ranieri to be honest, has he ever won anything? No but he's foreign was this forum loves him. we have to go foreign man
  13. Jose van gaal hitzfeld houllier pellegrini shearer keegan
  14. jack j

    Official Statement

    Jol Hughes Shearer Houllier is my guess for the next manager out of the said names above i hope it is Jol
  15. agreed it doesn't feel like a matchday today like
  16. Hoy silly money at Hitzfeld or Mourinho and offer them a massive transfer kitty otherwise go down the jol houllier route. I just dont wanna a brittish manager
  17. jack j

    Mark Hughes

    no thanks go foreign man morty lad
  18. If people thought allardyce played people out of position and dodgy formations then god knows what they will think of Van Gaal
  19. apple and pears mate bat and wickets stupid facking cants
  20. Ashley out > Bring back Shepherd or Westwood i say....some people amaze me like
  21. rumours that anal being sacked were wide of the mark > what an embarrassment the man is, everytime he comes on SSN i cringe
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