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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. ayeeee shall be there, 18 days and couting :colo:
  2. Don't get this non league football love in, I have no affiliation for either club, no doubt someone will say it's cheaper than premier league blah blah blah at the end of the day you get what you pay for. I would rather watch sunday league football.
  3. That 'cockney mafia OUT' banner had another airing. I wish someone would set light to the f***ing embarrassing s****. One mans crusade to make himself into something he isn't. I heard the flag was the handy work of a reasonably well known Toon fan who for years put busses on to away games? If so i'm very disappointed in him. aye it's his
  4. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=56803.0 Bit of a cruel rumour to start putting around tbh. not exactly a cruel rumour like. It's fact.... And you would know how? i was on the bus
  5. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=56803.0 Bit of a cruel rumour to start putting around tbh. not exactly a cruel rumour like. It's fact....
  6. jack j

    Looking at the table

    will be on youporn the morra i would imagine
  7. jack j

    Looking at the table

    She got through all 600?! Fair play. I heard there was chants of.. "Shes going down on the Mackems" is more like it........
  8. jack j

    Looking at the table

    SMB Skunkers, probably on the SMB anarl
  9. jack j

    Looking at the table

    been reading a decent thread about the author of this thread like. I am assuming it's the same person anyway........
  10. jack j

    Mind your language

    really really really embarrassing
  11. expect to be labelled a cunt shoe waver or a supafan because you're going to the match and upset at how shit the tickets sales have gone. Seems par for the course on here.
  12. sitting at an away game? daft lad I'd normally stand but standing next to you I'd be worried in case I was caught in the face by a stray shoe you were waving about! up your game that's fucking pitiful,
  13. sitting at an away game? daft lad Supafan. nah
  14. sitting at an away game? daft lad
  15. Fucking shoite that man, going to be shite
  16. row c seat ninety, thank god we didn't take the full allocation
  17. Don't think he can communicate properly through a muzzle though.
  18. Barton seems like someone who would give a rocket or gee someone up.
  19. Sad iyam. to be fair me fatha is a cockney, was looking for a bite didn't get much tho :colo:
  20. dont like cockney mags dont like foreign mags dont like charvs that make us like shite on tv apart from that we have a decent core support who will always be there
  21. No doubt all a fiddle, not getting a penny of me
  22. jack j

    Joe Kinnear

    he's gone to far this time, i expect a hitman on the case......wise and ashley found dead in London hotel. I would love it me LOVE IT
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