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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. hoo man lads you can't call barton because we are the vicious ones innit
  2. mmmm. very dubious about stories such as these Yep, they make far too much sense to be true,. indeed hopefully it's only a matter of time noo
  3. aye then allardyce can fool the fools and tell them he needs time to settle in etc etc
  4. but he wont sell shirts as oldtype said they think he is shite
  5. agreed man u's away support is top notch there home on the otherhand is shite,,,,,,,,,,,
  6. shame he didn't fall flat on his arse
  7. everyone knows his name..you don't realise you will miss them until they're gone
  8. one change for me... play jose instead of geremi given beye rozehnal taylor enrique milner barton butt zoggy smith martins subs harper edgar emre geremi viduka
  9. mixed up lad..feel sorry for him in a way. I hope he sorts himself out and becomes a class act for us in the future
  10. asking for trouble kicking off at that time..idiots
  11. ANYWAY back on topic it is about time we showed what we are all about and get behind the team especially with it being on sky i don't want any shitty headlines the morra. HOWAY THE FANS
  12. Alone? Nah me and a completely neutral mate. But i've given her an old black and white shirt so she's firmly an adopted Toon fan now. WHOOOOOOOOSH
  13. Honest question here...When was the last time we had a good atmosphere at SJP?
  14. i should imagine all the radgies will be going which will make tickets even harder to get
  15. http://youtube.com/watch?v=A_xay0m9ql0 should be a canny day
  16. could get a big ''naughty'' as danny dyer would say. The hoolies will be out in numbers that day no soubt about it
  17. all on last week anarl, the rotherham one is my personal favourite
  18. only one winner in that battle and it won't be the FMB
  19. jack j

    Back Page Travel

    same here, but what I can only guess were members of the "ultras" could have got us kicked off yesterday for pulling off light fittings and not shutting up when told to on the York-Blackburn leg of the journey. Apart from going in a car, I think theres little way you can avoid them now as they have branched out I was thinking more swimming. Tynemouth --- round the top of Scotland --- back in the Mersey somewhere --- then get to Blackburn through one of (or a network of) Lancashire's umpteen canals walk?
  20. someone like sheff wed or notts forest where we would get thousands of tickets
  21. jack j

    Back Page Travel

    same here, but what I can only guess were members of the "ultras" could have got us kicked off yesterday for pulling off light fittings and not shutting up when told to on the York-Blackburn leg of the journey. Apart from going in a car, I think theres little way you can avoid them now as they have branched out walk?
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