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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. Fuck him Plenty saying hes likeable. Is he fuck. Little skinny rat what he is
  2. jack j

    Alan Shearer

    Get it posted paully lad
  3. Who the heck are man united been a favourite in my house this week
  4. Can end the season at 7pm on Sunday for me if we win
  5. jack j


    Not be the first paedophile they sing for will it? Wronguns
  6. Howay the lads howay the lads howay the lads howay Simple and hardly ever sang now
  7. Bertie mee said to Joe Harvey have you heard of the North Bank Highbury no said Joe I don't think so but I've heard of the leazess agrooo One of me fathas favourites along with frank Clark knows my father
  8. Was just about to say that mines a split coming back just kings cross to stevenage Check your ticket and it will say its the same seat all journey
  9. Nobody criticise that donkey please...
  10. Maddisons touch is unbelievable man what a player
  11. How? Are you telling me the atmosphere in St James park is decent? It's diabolical
  12. Cant manage a minutes silence but most managed 90 minutes silence Our support is fucking shit
  13. Is today's cancelled with the Atsu news Presume there will be a minutes silence
  14. Just seen a Facebook friend trying to get John the chap a ticket for next week Hes up there with the "loyalist " newcastle fan I know tbh Madness if he's not going
  15. Mine says between 14.30 and 15.00. Nee chance I'll be there by then. They just want you in buying 10 quid pints of piss
  16. Howpe is that journalist bruce used to hate
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