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wyn davies

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Everything posted by wyn davies

  1. Amanda's very good at keeping secrets
  2. Love this thread , let's hope he's on it
  3. Be interesting to see if anyone comes in for him as has been mentioned previously, along with what the clubs thoughts would be .
  4. Shows how much we have improved and where we fall short
  5. Think Gerard will be on his way presently
  6. Zaha from place looks a real goodun
  7. wyn davies

    João Pedro

    Thought there had only been one bid confirmed never mind three
  8. Couple of pilots and an airhostess
  9. Newcastle to Lyon just flew over the house at 6:10pm , seeing as its been mentioned previously
  10. Think your right as we get towards the end, some will now get desperate to flog a few
  11. Was a very forthright and outspoken guy , thought him to be honest and the mackems would of tried it on if they had the chance
  12. Murder standing on the terraces, couldn't move with 60000 in getting shoved all over the place
  13. I think something like 1 /100000 actually get to the PL
  14. I hope this particular spine is ongoing and doesn't dissapear into the rather, have a 9yr old grandson told him football is not the be and end all as only one injury away from the end of a career.He is natural left footer, can also use his right no probs,. He plays most dfield or defender, asked him why defender states so I don't have no run up and down the field. The young lad in horse racing terms a stayer, not a hope in hell of being a derby runner.
  15. Be surprised if he comes, we are not a fashionable club for some players especially as we are out on a limb up here away from all the bright lights
  16. I agree with that,no good speculating ,I'm sure everything is in hand and how well we have recovered from the situation we were in, will certainly help in our new bodies arriving
  17. I expect that the new shirt will be a big seller in Saudi, and as for journos sod 'em , not as white as they think.
  18. That would be epic, just like the ice hockey
  19. Joe Harvey, finished in 10th 1967-8 season if I remember right, qualified Intercity Fairs Cup due to one club one city rule, beat Feyenoord 4-0 at home played Vitoria Setubal in snow blizzard won 5-1 home , theyed never seen the stuff, epic
  20. Would hate to going back to the Westwood's of this world, also not enough owners with big money to run clubs, premier league well out of the reach of run of the mill owners
  21. I don't think we'll change the team wholesale may not be enough time to bed in a lot of new players with WC coming
  22. Forgot that one as we sat on the red cinders as the guys in the white coats threw them at you when you wanted them
  23. How many do the good old USA execute every year ? rather be a part of the capatilist fraternity than Putin's communism
  24. Joe Harvey became manager, we were getting players from Scottish clubs such as third lanark, Gordon Marshall as keeper
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