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wyn davies

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Everything posted by wyn davies

  1. wyn davies

    Garang Kuol

    Be a couple of years before we know one way or the other , whether he'll get there. Football is littered with excellent potential that went down the tubes due to far to many games at a young age, how do we think young Rigg ?, Mackem 15yr old will survive, could be burnt out in a couple of years .Plenty of time see how it goes.
  2. One thing that comes to mind is the fact that in July the CAZ comes into full effect and how it could effect attendances as I'm pretty sure that quite a few travel by car to the game, and the buses and metro couldn't cope , when I think back to the 60s and 70s as a boy and it was a nightmare, then the question being is it economical to expand the ground .
  3. Back of the club shop , had a job behind it when the development of the gallowgate end was ongoing
  4. Historically wise underneath the Gallowgate end are the remnants of the stairs we used to climb up after entering the turnstiles, then once up the top we walked down the stairs / stand and into the ground .
  5. I believe we don't own the stadium as far as I can remember , so is there any point in expanding to gain a few extra seats, unless something has changed, would of been better moving further up the road. Stand to be corrected though .
  6. Must be costing Leeds a few quid removing managers, surprised they can afford to buy players in the trans windows
  7. Wouldn't of thought it would that much impact in the sense of signing players as they are just employees , but in the type of quality possibly, after all those of us employed have no say in how a company is run, if you get my drift .
  8. What were the rules back then? I don't think the PL will do much and will bottle it, think Chelsea should also be given a thoroughly good going over. As has been previously stayed we must of got wind of something so will be ok , other clubs should also be given a going over with their excessive spending also.
  9. wyn davies

    Joe Willock

    Should of been quicker off the mark to prevent that happening .
  10. Howe will need to sort this current problem out, seems to be short of ideas
  11. Times they are a changing, Willock and poss Maxi subbed in 2nd half
  12. Team poor so far, looking tired and lost the plot a bit, Willock amongst others giving loose balls away
  13. I think it's terrible that they can suddenly pick up and clearly based on recent performances dictate whether a manager keeps his job, dishonest set of twats that they are
  14. How far do we go with this issue should he get his contract with us scrapped
  15. Thought there may of been a screen arranged in the ground
  16. That's down to the jury I assume there was one and direction by the court along with a damn good barrister who generally put doubt in the minds of the jury as that is there job .
  17. As far the court is concerned he's innocent but if he was guilty and we'll never know the true facts, a leopard never changes it's spots and history often repeats.
  18. Keep your eyes open , tickets for game are on sale on Facebook , don't appear to be legit, don't want anyone scammed , latest one was 4*£30 each
  19. Till they meet some of the cloggers in the other leagues here , they may be top notch until they meet players who put them in there place, then the fun starts
  20. We will be asked to pay big sums in the future if we want a certain type of player, is this a Trevor Francis moment?
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