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wyn davies

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Everything posted by wyn davies

  1. had a look around the Wolves forums once again another forum classes us as deluded they seem to think we're new boys who are out of our depth,quicker they get sh*t on the better
  2. hopefully that excellent ball will boost his confidence
  3. Norman Wisdom at game when we had the old wooden/tin stand Tino against Barca Fairs Cup final Only team to qualify for knockout stages of European Cup following a dogs breakfast of the league part Joe Harvey bringing Malcolm Mirandinha first Brazilian in England
  4. got Bt Vision meself love VOD and by adding an HDMI lead to it you get as near as dammit HD without extra payments and as previously stated EPL on it as well along with ESPN
  5. to me we have to go down the same route as we did first time when Keegan was manager. It isn't always a case of look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves, we need to invest.I'm not saying reach for the stars but at least reach a league position where we'll be attractive to new players.
  6. SPL is crap and a move to EPL will be a big step for the guy and he will be found out
  7. cardiff keeper dropped a rick for Blackpools equalizer
  8. There won't be transfer targets following the inept statement
  9. can any of the playoff teams actually afford promotion or are they just buying into the parachute payment on relegation
  10. have I missed something here, has he been given a new contract as my understanding was that he is manager until the end of the season,having said that believe the hierarchy never said which season.
  11. Thought they took the decision to go full time following promotion last year,didn't realise they were still part time if so they've done well.
  12. would like to have wengers contacts they always bring decent young players
  13. well done to the team but not overly excited never in doubt but worried for next season
  14. If you click on here http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00730lh and pick the 2.32 programme interview on there
  15. maybe cause more havock and re-arrange match,long way by they'll train, if they can find one
  16. On a interview with one of the gang member said that he pays every 3 months as payment for hiding past indiscretions and now it is pay back time.It was also stated that if payments stop then the player has a major problem (get my drift)
  17. been reported that premier league player (southern club) is paying £15000 in protetion money to gangsters (former friends) for looking out for him full report on BBC World Service at 12.30 today
  18. Bearing in mind BT have to sell their kit on to other providers on the cheap such as SKY!, TALK TALK,CPW, TESCO,GPO etc etc then why are SKY complaining, they want everything their way.
  19. well having seen Readings goal you can only blame Harper, after dropping and it goes in he appears to be blaming everyone but himself. EPL wise he will be a liability and deffo not premiership material.just gotta wonder why he was not given opportunities elsewhere if he had of been any good surely he would of been picked up,as it was he wasn't makes you wonder why?,is he also not convinced of his ability.
  20. has harper lost it as more mistakes by him are beginning to creep in.
  21. but he also added "had a bit of Mint Sauce on ourselves as well"
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