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wyn davies

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Everything posted by wyn davies

  1. weren't we told to shake hands after having a scrap at school, meaningless wasn't it. Evra didn't exactly help his cause at the end of the game, fergusson got no room to talk following his issue's in the past, has Terry shook hands with Ferdinand yet, be interesting to see.
  2. defence big issue, dont rate williamson, Santon consistentley AWOL, Obertan woeful
  3. wyn davies


    they were lucky Huth should never of been sent off, the pitch was diabolical just a matter of time before they collapse
  4. why is it deemed to be headline news on the BBC that Terry has lost the captaincy, how important is he, and would an ordinary punter be treated in the same manner by delaying the court case cause he's booked a holiday in June and may have to cancel. There's always another train to come.
  5. he'll end up in the championship not the champions league
  6. we'll probably give someone a renewed contract and that'll be the signing
  7. you can see why some of these ot won't make it
  8. thru middle of defence bit like watching paint dry,poor defending for us
  9. trying to squirm his way out of it, financially illiterate ay alright.
  10. Is it the end of two dynasty's Wenger & Ferguson ( his time is also running out)
  11. All keeper has to do is stand in the middle of the goal an not move instead of attempting to anticipate the direction of the kick that way probability is they have much chance of saving them.
  12. shola shocking excuse for a footballer, I just don't get it, the kids a total numnut
  13. wyn davies

    Feeder teams

    Who actually owns the B&W's is it Ashley, Sports Direct , a holding company or NUFC with Llambias as the front man even though we know Ashley pulls the strings, thinking out loud appears to me that Darlo could become a subsiduary of Sports Direct with a new chairman running things,plenty of companies out acting as subsiduarys such as Thomson Holidays, etc etc in which the mother ship is TUI but is allowed to operate independently,so I think these issue'scan be circumvented.
  14. wyn davies

    Papiss Cissé

    So Cisse travels back,medical,signs,nowt stopping Ba doing the same and going elsewhere, question remains Ashley needs to balance books in his mind so whose going.
  15. wyn davies

    Papiss Cissé

    whose moving on to pay for all this spending
  16. wyn davies

    Darlington FC

    suprised we ain't used them as a nursery club somehow ensuring we don't break the rules about owning other clubs.
  17. Pitch is gonna play a big part in this players losing footing all over place
  18. nani nust be well p****d off when an old man replaces him, maybe get beckham on for next week,Bruce gotnowt on at the mo either
  19. memories of arsenal all over again? cmon cittaaaaay
  20. whose pocket is the ref in asks wife
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