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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Kalou makes it 1-0 to Chelsea at West Ham.
  2. They're in much worse form than I realised actually. We really need them to be safe though, as they still have to play the mackems and Hull. I'd prefer them not to be safe to be honest, means they have more to play for when they play the mackems and Hull.
  3. http://centerholdsit.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/xavi.jpg
  4. GET IN! Just need Liverpool to sort themselves out now.
  5. Fuck off with your zonal marking, Benitez! Giving me a bastard heart attack here.
  6. Shearer's at the KC watching the game today.
  7. Just watched Shearer's pre-match press conference and rallying cry on NUFC TV. Not the best of ideas, bricking it even more now.
  8. I really wish I could get pissed up beforehand. I don't drink but might have to force it down me for the first time in my life on Monday! you've been watching us sober the last few years ? i don't know wether to offer you my sympathy or cut you off as a complete loon. I'll back your decision either way.
  9. I really wish I could get pissed up beforehand. I don't drink but might have to force it down me for the first time in my life on Monday!
  10. Ash

    Roy Keane

    That picture is fairly deceptive though - you can't see the "No dogs allowed" sign.
  11. Ash

    Nacho's (not) back

    http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10278~1637401,00.html Judging by that photo, he's beaten the first man from a dead ball situation. From the forgotten man to the first name on the team sheet, very impressive.
  12. Graeme Danby pre-match. People may say we shouldn't over-use him, but I think it's a great idea for Monday, we need every Toon fan in the ground to raise the roof.
  13. I'd love to say this was me, but unfortunately it wasn't. http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/1590/wahoo.jpg Lucky bastard.
  14. Ash

    Barton Back

    A few months ago I was having visions of every Toon fan at Villa Park invading the pitch after Barton scored the goal that would keep us up. Howay Joey!
  15. Ash

    Nacho's (not) back

    Good news. Will be great to have him available for selection.
  16. The red looks awesome. Wouldn't mind the blue either to be honest. Watch it be black.
  17. Mint. Love the 'keeper's shirt too.
  18. I still dont know how Bentdner plays for someone as good as Arsenal. He is utter, utter shit. Awesome finish earlier though with hte debatable offside Mark Lawrenson on BBC 5 Live: "I'll tell you who has impressed me tonight: Bendtner. He's had a good game." I reckon he's being sarcastic again. On the otherhand, he could just be talking shite, again.
  19. Didn't expect them to score that quickly though!
  20. Liverpool will win this 4-3.
  21. If Liverpool play like this on Saturday they'll rip Hull a new arsehole... ...and then probably do the same to us the following week.
  22. Likewise. Guthrie - Smith - Jonas That would be how I'd line up. Keeping Nolan and Butt away from the pitch is pivotal to us staying up.
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