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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Benefit to who? He's been absolutely wank for Hull. Got them 2 points against Fulham though. It was impossible for him to miss.
  2. Translation: Rio won't play against Hull but will start against Barca. Seems to be typical Fergie mind-games in my opinion.
  3. Benefit to who? He's been absolutely wank for Hull.
  4. 'WE ARE STAYING UP!' Well someone had to do it!
  5. I've just watched Mike Bassett England Manager. Might watch the TV series later. Sent a shiver down my spine at times, just reminds me so much of Sunday.
  6. Ah, I was told tickets were still available. That's the end of that then. I'll just have to hope that I can pick up a ticket for our end, should find out in the next couple of days if I can get one or not.
  7. I'm desperate to go to the game. Tempted to go in the Villa end too but I know I won't be able to contain my emotions if we score. Should I risk it or not?
  8. Just seen Fulham's goal from Saturday again. He missed THREE tackles in the build up to the goal. Useless.
  9. Was a good craic yesterday, enjoyed it. Nice to meet everyone too.
  10. Setting off at 10:30 anyway so shouldn't be a problem either way. May go the A19 route again, although I've never driven that way personally before.
  11. A1. And yeah, there are still roadworks there. Is it best to avoid? We've gone A19 last few games so not sure how bad the roadworks are.
  12. Rich and I will be like the new Vidic and Ferdinand. sounds like i really wont be needed at cb, then You're down as playing up front. We'll be clearing up at the back allowing you to do your stuff up the other end of the pitch.
  13. Ash

    Row row row your boat

    watch what the other fans are doing That's 'oops upside your head' though.
  14. It's not always about money. actually, i think you'll find it is for people who don't have any dude I could understand if it was a prick like Ronaldo. It's Martin Laursen though, a top professional both on and off the pitch. you might be mistaking apathy for dislike here...? I think it comes down to the same thing. I feel sorry for Laursen because he's a genuine bloke who I'd say values playing football ahead of money. on what do you base that? not that it matters, the point stands - i'm still far too devastated that i never made professional football 'cause i was shit and overweight to have sympathy for this fucker Just my opinion, it's the way he comes across. Not all footballers are cunts.
  15. It's not always about money. actually, i think you'll find it is for people who don't have any dude I could understand if it was a prick like Ronaldo. It's Martin Laursen though, a top professional both on and off the pitch. you might be mistaking apathy for dislike here...? I think it comes down to the same thing. I feel sorry for Laursen because he's a genuine bloke who I'd say values playing football ahead of money.
  16. It's not always about money. actually, i think you'll find it is for people who don't have any dude I could understand if it was a prick like Ronaldo. It's Martin Laursen though, a top professional both on and off the pitch.
  17. Rich and I will be like the new Vidic and Ferdinand.
  18. Ash

    Row row row your boat

    What's 'row row row your boat' got to do with that vid?
  19. tbh you're probably most likely. It's gonna be frustrating being run ragged by the dan b-pilko strike partnership. Who needs the SAS when you can have the B 'n P Oh, you're being serious, aren't you?
  20. Who's gonna be the first one sent off then?
  21. For a minute there, I thought I saw Xisco on the list. After a double-take, there he is at 49.
  22. Huge shame for him. Class player and he's always impressed me off the pitch too, seems a very genuine guy. Hope he's successful in whatever he chooses to do next with his life.
  23. Ash

    F*ck off Rugby

    As opposed to kicking it back to your mate three times, and then kicking it forward to the other team. You sure you have the right game? Tackled, pass the ball back between your legs to your mate Tackled, pass the ball back between your legs to your mate Tackled, pass the ball back between your legs to your mate Kick the ball to the other team. repeat Not kicked though. It's five times too. Anyway, you all may have chance to take it in and decide for yourselves if the 'Magic Weekend' is moved to Newcastle in 2012 which is currently being discussed at the minute. Dunno why they bother. From what highlights i saw Murrayfield was only half full. Best off having it at Old Trafford or something. No need to make fans travel further for normal league games either...bit of a waste of time. Murrayfield was crap to be fair. I reckon Newcastle would be a decent option though.
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