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Big River

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Everything posted by Big River

  1. hope Man City absolutely batter these ungrateful twats won't be watching either way. football is irrelevant to me until Eddie's mags are back in action!
  2. I've reached out to the club, but I'm yet to receive a response. watch this space!
  3. with 40% of the 560 votes cast, Joelinton is our 2022/23 Player of the Season!
  4. can you find anywhere they've just used "sela" in an official capacity?
  5. Pavard would be a quality signing jesus, is this real life? I'm all for bringing in youth, the likes of Bruno and Botman, but a player experienced in winning can't be underestimated. look at the impact Tripps has had on/off the pitch!
  6. whenever I’m feeling a bit down, I always remind myself that this fat cunt is another day closer to death.
  7. going to watch that, cheers! it's on YouTube if anyone is interested:
  8. who is that absolute danger
  9. completely agree, really like him from what I've seen. he's a grafter and puts in a serious amount of tackles for someone who is largely considered an attacking/creative player. think he'd be class here, but can't really see how a deal could be done.
  10. look at what we’ve achieved in our first full season after this parasite finally fucked off.
  11. decent cameo, but can’t shake the feeling that’s the last we see of him at SJP.
  12. we'd qualify for it again by winning the Europa either way, we're in dreamland. whatever happens, happens. we'll just be damn sure to enjoy the ride!
  13. I want a group of death, have one or two incredible results/memories, but ultimately finish 3rd. drop down to the Europa, attend and win the final in Dublin.
  14. you could have held off voting until Monday. but no, Joelinton is inevitable.
  15. I was genuinely thinking about this get a bairns trophy made up and take it to the training ground
  16. has to be Joelinton, for me. he's just been a total beast all season, regardless of what role he's been asked to play. honourable mentions for Schar and Trippier.
  17. Who is your player of the season? Voting closes Monday 29th May, 12pm.
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