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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. You're on a slippery slope with jokes like that my man
  2. themanupstairs

    Alan Pardew

    how did you explain this one to the bairn?
  3. Throw in Vuckic, Abeid-ish, Ferguson and Edmundsson into that pool of internationals
  4. Sadly, remarks like that will be made by people from every part of the world. I was mildly amused when I was "racially insulted" in a foreign language, it's probably happened to almost everyone without them even knowing about it. I'm involved in 4th division football here in Cyprus (not as a player), and our team has a few Africans and Arabs in it, who constantly get racist abuse from opposition Greek players, even when their own teams have foreigners. It's disgusting, but as you say, happens all over the world. Find it amusing when our Afrian players get told to go back to Gaza
  5. can't get enough of "first I've heard of this" posts!
  6. That's really sad, and puts the whole Suarez/Evra saga into perspective. In some ways I refuse to believe it. I've only ever been in Newcastle and St James' once in my life, and had such a wonderful experience, that hearing about this sort of thing makes me want to block it out, as to me it's still the most beautiful city I have ever been in, and want nothing to tarnish that experience/memory.
  7. Some pretty vile stuff aimed at Newcastle and it's black players. Was posted in Sunderland thread yesterday - not sure if it's still there. Bluestar posted it in the Sunderland thread me thinks
  8. Don't think it matters what we paid, and I'm pretty sure it's there or thereabouts as far as the figures that have been mentioned. What does matter is that we moved in quickly, and picked this fella up from under the noses of clubs more financially capable than we are. What matters most, potentially, is that we are building on top of what we already have, rather than simply trying to stay afloat.
  9. Leon Best must be kept at the football club! I can't fathom what we'd gain from selling him whatsoever! He's proved himself at this level as a capable, skillful and decent finisher. Personally never thought he'd defy the odds in the top division, but he has done it, and done it very well. Obviously with Ba and Cisse, he's slipped down the pecking order, but he's not far behind in terms of playing his part as an excellent squad player over the period of an entire season. Have a huge amount of respect for the lad, and I really hope he stays with us, as he can play an important part, along with Ba and Cisse, hopefully for years to come.
  10. Exhausting reading the last 30 odd pages, fuck me though what a signing! Not sure if I'm happier with the player or with the intent we have signalled with his signature. Cannot wait till February 1st, and as has been put so eloquently by someone else already: "please Ashley don't kick us in the balls after this!" Special mention to KD who started the ball rolling when the news first broke. Immense thread
  11. safe flight mate "Excuse me sir, you can't go in there, the captain's busy flying the plane" "But Papissssss "
  12. Oh wow!! That is brand new information!!
  13. You're absolutely right, but I'm sure you can understand why we're terrified that it could be a case of "too good to be true". Of course, and I'm not saying positive stuff means you can't have big, big questions about how you've got to this point. But as I say, the bottom line is you're arguably the club progressing the most in the whole league at the moment, maybe alongside Spurs. Ashley has to take a great deal of credit for that. Of course he does. But will the credit due be the same if we end up losing Ba, Krul, Tiote or Coloccini? All credit will be given to the man if he can keep the group of lads together. Start selling, and we're in a precarious situation again. Thin line between love and hate.
  14. You're absolutely right, but I'm sure you can understand why we're terrified that it could be a case of "too good to be true".
  15. Sell no-one, tie Krul/Colo/Ba on new long term deals, sign Benalouane or Samba, sign Cissokho, aim for the top 4. Samba can do one. Sport on with the rest. This really is a must! Ashley and Dekka I fucking beg you, don't be trolling us!
  16. I'd hazard a guess at the technical definition being a form of minority religious worship. To me "cult" has a negative connotation. Sufism is basically Islamic mysticism, and has been practiced for centuries all over the muslim word. To me it's a far cry from being what one today calls a "cult".
  17. HBA nearly quit football to become part of a Muslim cult - Sufism iirc and that it was a French rapper (Malik I think he was called) and his manager, that got him into it. His ego was too big to kiss the leader's feet though, so he left, it was part of his interview yesterday. Interesting lad, eh? Sufism is no "cult"
  18. Not a picture of health.... http://www.nufc.co.uk/javaImages/b1/d4/0,,10278~9032881,00.jpg tbf he just spouts what the majority on here think, all our players are up for grabs providing we make a profit on them. On this occasion it was completely unecessary, honestly he went on for f***ing ages about it. We had to turn the radio off it was making us so mad. The bloke asked who was gonna score, Lowes talked for at least 3 minutes about who we were going to sell. It wasn't just that that p*ssed me off with the fucknut pre match on 5 live. When he was asked whether they could still call it SJP, he replied with something like 'Yeah, I don't think we need to start seriously calling it Sports Direct Arena until the St James' Park sign on the corner is taken down or replaced'. It sounded like a direct challenge to Llambias to get on and do it. Did you hear him say he'd have more respect for them if they did? Yup. Seemed to insinuate that they've changed the stadium name half-arsed, and that he'd respect them more if they had more bollocks and conviction toward the name change, and applied to have all the sign posts changed as well.
  19. Games like this one are more about the day out than they are about willing your team on to get 3 pts to some people. Can't expect everyone who goes to be fully immersed in the support and the league table. What? You pay your money to watch the match, if you don't want to be fully immersed, it was on the tele, and im sure it can form your background noise as you nibble on your sunday roast. Not saying I agree with it. Just saying that some people just go in order to have a day out with family/friends or what have you! They'll cheer on the goals, and casually watch the game, but not necessarily follow and analyze every move on the pitch. I think it's a more likely explanation than "cunts go to the match to purposely create a shit atmosphere".
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