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Everything posted by Novocastrian

  1. Clutching at straws, but this may be a turning point. Surely we can't play this poorly again. Shearer will learned a lot about which players are up for the fight. Shame Ashley dithered for so long as we are now running out of time. Stating the obvious I know.
  2. Me too, this was always going to be v. difficult. A draw keeps us alive (just).
  3. Brazillian girls: Bodies from Baywatch, heads from Crimewatch.
  4. Got a ticket for the Ukraine game, just enough time to get to Wembley after I finish work and then hope to get home before midnight after the game.
  5. Colo has been living off his reputation for a while now. If his name was Frank Coulson instead of Fabrizio Coloccini he would have been slaughtered by now.
  6. He is not good enough, unfortunatley Given was sold for peanuts. Give Krul a chance.
  7. Agreed, Boumsongesque performance, he's always back on his heels.
  8. tbh that's quite interesting. As an aside, I played at the national stadium in Freetown, Sierra Leone when I visited with the RN. We played a team of "displaced people" who had been made homeless during the civil war. The strips and balls had been provided by the English FA. There was good turnout, 2000+, and after the match we all donated our boots to the lads on the team we played. The referee wouldn't leave me alone because he wanted my NUFC socks, which I wore after the match, to complete his ad hoc referee kit!
  9. Sierra Leone 2009!!! http://www.subsidesports.com/uk/images/product/xlarge/SierraLeoneHSS09b.jpg
  10. Wow, chomp indeed. I just find it funny that you give up on the club every single f***ing season, despite being a "genuine fan". If you really support the club, you'd stick by them even in the conference. I'm a genuine fan and I stood on the terraces before Keegan came with circa 16,000 other genuine fans. Long after we lose 25,000 - 30,000 fans I'll still pay to watch the team, circumstances permitting. Sticking by the team doesn't mean putting up with shit constantly from inept owners, mercenary players and incompetent managers. It's about time all of those cunts realised the fans have just about had enough and our support cannot be taken for granted.
  11. My prediction is he will leave us and disappear up his own arse. Just like Bernard, Domi etc etc.
  12. They are going to, they said in the press that they would be saying something after the transfer window has closed. i can almost guarantee now that whatever is said will be laughed at and not believed. What has Ashley done so far to merit being taken seriously by the fans? Why do you cut Ashley so much slack? Not trying to be provocative, I'm genuinely interested.
  13. Martins on the left would work imo, not as a winger or LM but as a left sided striker in a front three. I've always thought he was at his best when running at people.. I agree, I'd like to see it: Owen Martins Jonas CM CM CM If we had the players, i.e decent, attacking, fullbacks, it might work.
  14. I prefer spending good £££'s on high quality young 1st team players like Bellamy, Jenas, Parker, Dyer etc than youth team'ers. The difference is that Bellamy, Jenas et al were young players of great potential bought for the long term good of the club. The present regime seem to be buying young players with a view to selling them on and generating a profit.
  15. Fat Fred = No ability to run a football club but prepared to put up the cash. Fat Mike = No ability to run a football club and not prepared to put up the cash. I'd rather have Fat Fred, it was more fun.
  16. Anyone who thinks that players of the calibre of Mbia are inbound should just keep smoking. :toke:
  17. Does that mean we'd finally get that central midfielder and those full-backs we've been after? Hopefully, but Jonas, Bassong and Colo have all been great signings, both quality- and moneywise. Based on this I believe it to be ridiculous to be hatin' on Wise just because he's a Yorkie. He's a NUFC man doing great things for us, and that's what matters. How is he doing great things for us? There's gaping holes all over the squad. Get with the programme man, he "unearthed" two international footballers playing in one of the most high profile leagues in the world.
  18. 1. New owners. 2. New progressive manager given total control of playing side. 3. Major surgery is required with the playing squad. I can't understand anyone saying we only need to tweak the squad. We are largely in the position we are in because the squad is too small and far too short on quality. Get the big players back onside Given, Martins, possibly Owen. Spend up to £30m + on 4 or 5 good, proven players. 4. Once the team has been stablised it may then be possible to implement Ashley's so-called Arsenal model of scouting for young, hungry players. This model will never sustain a team at the very top level though, younger players need protection and to be brought into the first team progressively. Aside from the fact that all major clubs are continuously scouting new talent. The days when undiscovered gems could be found playing amateur football are long gone.
  19. You would think so but many still refuse to believe that Ashley would be reckless enough to not only fail to strengthen but to weaken the squad further by selling more players. On balance, and this is only a personal opinion, I believe that we will have a weaker squad going into the second half of the season (relegation battle). Well done Mike.
  20. Looks like we have finally found our level. The people who forced Keegan out accused him of being a "dreamer" because he wanted big names to galvanise the club like he did when he arrived as a player. I still can't believe some people are prepared to give Ashley the benefit of the doubt to the end of the transfer window. The people who put up with this from Ashley, then Ridicule Keegan for taking a stand, should be Taken outside and Shot in the head.Thier brains are beyond saving. he didn't take a stand man, he f***ed off and is now suing the club he pertains to love, what do you think he'll do with the millions he didn't earn if he wins? donate it for new players a stand have been to stay and vocally, as manager, tear to shreds the system, wise & ashley forcing them to actually sack him or back him, no? hang on ill fetch, the gun. righto EDIT: f*** it, why can't you actually debate a point? you spout stuff out then when someone calls you on it your lip goes out...f***ing back yourself up man, what stand did KK take exactly? you just like arguing for the sake of it. Even though Favouring Ashley is a hopeless position. KK took a stand on his principles, he couldnt work under Denis wise, so he left, i call that standing by your priciples,.. you wont understand tho, if you havent got any yourself. this will just run round in circles,.. I believe in What Keegan did here last time, and i believe , backed up he could have repeated it. you show me a manager that did better than KK here , in my lifetime,.......................................... mental. how can anyone think that? will we be 12 points clear in this league at any point in the next 20 years? Things can change relatively quickly. Did people think we could be 12 point clear in the PL when we were nearly relegated to the third tier in 1992? The "big four" are not set in stone there has been various big fives, top three, big six over the years and it will change again in the future.
  21. Looks like we have finally found our level. The people who forced Keegan out accused him of being a "dreamer" because he wanted big names to galvanise the club like he did when he arrived as a player. I still can't believe some people are prepared to give Ashley the benefit of the doubt to the end of the transfer window. The people who put up with this from Ashley, then Ridicule Keegan for taking a stand, should be Taken outside and Shot in the head.Thier brains are beyond saving. Well quite, the thing which bemuses me is at what point did people decide to settle for such mediocrity? Yes, we are not going to challenge Man Utd, Chelsea etc any time soon but does that mean we should top trying? One of the reasons I hate Liverpool so much (more than the Mackems) is because I'm so bloody jealous. When I see them I see us, I see what we should have been. To settle for lower mid table anonymity with Portsmouth and f***ing Bolton is mind numbing. We may be s**** at the moment be we are, still, one of the richest and best supported teams in the WORLD!! Check the stats.
  22. Looks like we have finally found our level. The people who forced Keegan out accused him of being a "dreamer" because he wanted big names to galvanise the club like he did when he arrived as a player. I still can't believe some people are prepared to give Ashley the benefit of the doubt to the end of the transfer window. At least with Ashley here the Club is in a stable financial position, and we are finally trying to run it as a business. If we stay in the league this year I will be happy regardless of where the Mackems/Smogs finish, personally I'd sell Given and use the money to buy a striker. Harper a more than able replacement and Forster and Krul are two very good prospects. RE: Barry Ferguson I think it would be an excellent signing and would give more talent and passion to the side. WAH!!!!!!!! Please tell me that was a WAH.................
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