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Everything posted by Neil

  1. And that has a lot to do with the point because.....?
  2. My Dad for one is saying one of the best things that can happen to Newcastle is being relegated. Seems ludicrous, but on the other hand.....
  3. This is a sight I'd like to behold, some proper breaking news it would be. I talk why like Yoda, I know not.
  4. Don't get me wrong I love to see goals that are out of the ordinary, ambituous, like Bentley's was. Despite him being a massive t**t, there's no doubt he can do that given the opportunity. Aye the keeper needs to be questioned though.
  5. I'm not sure if laughable really cuts it anymore. It's getting downright cringeworthy.
  6. Exaggerated title topic perhaps, but was I the only one who, after thinking about it, wasn't that impressed by it? Don't get me wrong, he should be applauded for seeing the opportunity and executing it, and it was a very well taken goal. But, maybe it's just personal opinion, I find team goals that need to be constructed a hell of a lot more worthy of a "goal of the season" tag. Bentley's goal may perhaps get everyone talking at first, as you barely ever see goals from over 40 yards out. But I think eventually it will be overtaken by some better constructed goals. Just a thought anway.
  7. I'm offering odds of 5/2 that Kinnear actually said something like "I've come into a tough job, no, month-to-month rolling contract isn't ideal. I don't know what the future holds".
  8. The biggest c*** in football. Always has something to moan about, and is generally a prat. To the Everton fans here, hows that Fellini guy been performing?, coz he's looked like a very good signing to me. Pretty good. Settling in well, good to have a powerful presence in the centre of midfield and can only see him improving. If you ever have the misfortune of going onto the Blue Room, the Everton forum on the website, don't believe anything you read on there. You'll get such rubbish as "FELLAINI IS AWFUL, NOT WORTH 15M!" 3 goals later... "OMG WHAT A BUY111!!!!1221111!!"
  9. I cant see them sustaining this run theyre having tbh. Hopefully we will get lucky and sneak it. I think we'll beat Villa on Monday for some reason, but I don't think Villa are in a false position. It isn't that they're in a false position, it's that it's unlikely they'll maintain this consistency.
  10. It's always streamed live during the show. Have you not got a telly like? At uni, and the TV in the living room is always almost taken up by some of my flatmates sweating on Fable 2 on the 360. Sigh. Run around like a lunatic swinging a plank of wood with nails in it until they evacuate then enjoy full control of the TV. I'll have a go, be interesting to see how it goes down.
  11. Arsenal did screw up, but I'm unsure why I just don't go on the obvious ones. Wtf was I thinking putting Wigan on when Fulham were the same price! Plus, the one time I actually back Everton in a bet, it means nothing due to other sides buggering up.
  12. It's always streamed live during the show. Have you not got a telly like? At uni, and the TV in the living room is always almost taken up by some of my flatmates sweating on Fable 2 on the 360. Sigh.
  13. Anywhere to watch MOTD online? MOTD2 was on the Beeb website on Sunday. And why do I fail to go for the more obvious ones in my accumulator? Mind, it was Arsenal who screwed mine up.
  14. YEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!! :celb: Oh what a game. Drama, late late late goal. Oh this is dramatic Oh, and the Arsenal game was decent. *Deep breath*
  15. So, tips for tonight? Must say as hinted at above, Sunderland are canny value... draw as well at 23/10. I saw Everton at 7/4 somewhere... hmm....
  16. Perhaps Coloccini is made to look better than he is due to the poor defending that often goes on. He's one who can control the ball, generally plays it safe and does his job, plain and simple. Also strong in the tackle. He's not immune from mistakes of course, but he's someone you're lucky to have. At his best he can give any attacker a hard afternoon.
  17. Neil

    Jonas Gutierrez

    Certainly. Anyone who can do that and take on and indeed get past an opposition player is worth having in the team. A better end product I think will come through practice and a consistent run of games in the side. Imo he might not be as good as people are making out but he certainly has talent, and I for one would want him in my team.
  18. But don't you also learn a lot about players when the going gets tough? A fair few players are made to look good if the rest of the team are doing well.
  19. I.e. Duff. Who seemed to be more interested in getting some neck cramp by assessing the ground whilst running instead of actually looking around.
  20. As I say, be grateful your lot can hold onto a 2-0 lead against a struggling side. Not as easy as it sounds!
  21. Without producing some sort of corny comparison just to mention Everton, I do feel the way both our sides "defend" a lead are similar. And both quite worrying. Kinnear's static nature seemed to be apparent in the 2nd half, and although I'm no manager, taking off Martins was bizarre, as was Gutierrez's change. Perhaps because they've come back from injuries. Still, surely put N'Zogbia or someone one who can cause them some sort of problems. But, who am I to criticse. At least you can hold onto a 2-0 lead...
  22. Any league table where 2 wins can move you up almost half the table, is one that I don't find very useful in making an accurate comment about end-of-season permutations.
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