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Everything posted by Neil

  1. What can I say, I enjoy cynical moods I'd say though that on the whole I'm not far off.
  2. Defeat tonight would be unthinkable against such a mediocre side. And also at one of the least intimidating grounds in the PL.
  3. Neil

    Nile Ranger

    Are you saying Ranger isn't the sole cause for their success?
  4. Neil

    LOL at Lolro

    The OP makes the assumption Lawro has previously known anything useful about football.
  5. It's pure frustration though. Swap the sides around and I'd expect everyone to be p***ed off by the opponent's tactics.
  6. This fixture confusion is the new board's fault.
  7. I don't think it'll be a trounce but ultimately qualty will prevail. I'll stick with my initial 3-1 prediction.
  8. 50 cent will surely be Ranger's co-star.
  9. Errr, Fergie's untouchable. He never does anything wrong. HE'S SIR ALEX FERGUSON!
  10. I find this hilarious, then embarassing, then hilarious again. It's like Tubes and Rocket on Soccer Am: "100 Greatest Foul Throw-ins" "100 Most Debatable Offside Decisions"
  11. I think perhaps his sometimes individual and erratic persona smokescreens the fact that he is and afaik was, at Barca at least, a consistently prolific striker. Best decision they've made this season, apart from getting rid of some of the deadwood, is to keep Eto'o.
  12. Strictly Come Scoring No, I'm unsure what the point in that was. I need a coffee.
  13. I feel sorry for Bramble. Beyond the comedy, it seems nearly every mistake he makes is punished, whereas many other defenders make similar errors but don't get punished. And with Faye, can someone tell me what the fuss is/was about him? From what I saw he was a decent defender who was fairly solid, but not a lot more.
  14. The club seems to be in an impossible situation. Given the circumstances, may as well give Shearer a go. It's risky yes, but tell me someone who wouldn't be a risk, and that NUFC could realistically tempt to SJP. I just hope that, if he does become manager, fans as a whole realise he isn't going to work miracles and the club could be relatively in the s****er for a bit longer.
  15. So we're not allowed to be disappointed, just cos there's no alternatives? Don't think it's owt to do with what tou say there, really. He's a f***ing w*** manager and we're gonna struggle constantly whilst he's here. So it's pretty unfortunate that he's gonna be sat in that dugout for a while, in fairness. To me, "unfortunate" infers there is a better alternative. But we'll agree to disagree. What I'm getting at is relegation is a very real threat. None of this "oh, we'll get a few wins here and there and we'll be fine" bollocks. Things need to improve. Not that I wish it upon the club. I sincerely hope Newcastle get out of this situation and move forward.
  16. After carefully analysing people's comments, I can safely predict the score will be: Chelsea 90 - 0 Newcastle (Anelka 1, 2, 3..... 46...47..... 67.....68..... 89...90)
  17. Although I rate Bilic in terms of what he's done internationally, I'm not sure he'd be cut out for week-in-week-out intensity that he'd have to face in the PL. Besides, I think Mr Bilic should perhaps think about focussing on his job rather than periodically "stating his intention" about his future career paths. He isn't good enough to just walk in anywhere.
  18. "Unfortunately" he'll still be here, etc etc. Which tends to infer there's a more fortunate, a more positive option that is avaliable?
  19. 4-3-3 may not be a good idea... ....but a formation of 433 players may do the trick.
  20. Chelsea to win it through a 4 yards-offside-goal. But in all seriousness, perhaps the best bet is to, sadly, go there to frustrate them. "Go for it" and you'll be brutally penetrated, John Bunnell style. 3-1
  21. "We are disappointed with the second goal because we didn't think it was a free-kick and they benefited from that," said Hughes "It's all about interpretation. We felt a bit hard done by and maybe similar situations weren't given in our favour." He was so close!
  22. Neil


    No no no no. Remember, Newcastle's attendance going down 3-4% = CRISIS!!! DOOM!!! Always need to keep that in mind, folks.
  23. Neil

    Players in public

    Treemag, I assume you work in the St Nicholas Building. He would not be seeing a 'brief'. The firm based there only has two criminal lawyers and one is a massive toon fan, who I know. (they only really do personal injury and employment law as well He may have been using the car park for the apartments round the back. I remember Carl Cort used to live there. BARTON BREAKS LAW AGAIN AND THEN VANDALISES 736 CARS IN CAR PARK!!!!111111
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