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Everything posted by Neil

  1. NEE NEED FOR THAT!!! Argies up. And come on, it'd be funny. From the football perspective, anyway.
  2. Eh? What were ITV confused about?
  3. Not too fussed since I managed to make a decent profit at the weekend, so since Portugal are clearly not scoring 4 in 35 minutes, I'm cheering on Cape Verde. Come on you... Cape Verdeans.
  4. Yes, that save did whisper in the air, "Pick me Fabio".
  5. True, but we look like we can score most times we go forward at the moment. Great save by Green.
  6. Walcott in good run but lack of end product shocker.
  7. I backed away from the H/cap & went for the clean sheet, do they look like keeping clean sheet. Oh aye, I can't see Cape Verde scoring either. Can't see Portugal getting more than 2, and even then it'll probably be off someone's arse or something. Only a friendly but you have to ask questions: they've got Lleidson, Ronaldo and Nani all starting.
  8. Crouch you bellend, score yourself.
  9. Well, that was a mistake. Actually shocked at how woeful they've been.
  10. Anytime now, England will take to the field.
  11. Infact, their whole team does. They don't look dangerous. Against Cape Verde.
  12. Balls. I would have got on -2 in my treble; I thought they'd play a decent side but not as good as that. Although their entire forward line is amazing really. Apart from Palermo.
  13. Not sure why it's this goal but it always sticks out for me when his name pops up: it was a goal against Argentina in the Confederations Cup, must be 5 or 6 years ago now. He just knocked it down and from 25-30 yards just launched it with that left foot of his into the goal. Big shame we didn't see consistency from him.
  14. Portugal v Cape Verde: are Portugal expecting to rack up a cricket score or would they just be content to whimper to a 3-0 win?
  15. Neil

    Club statement

    because they actually know how to win the european cup. Never mind that, they know how to offer just the slightest bit of interesting analysis and that alone blows Redknapp out the water.
  16. He came to Europe relatively late in his career, granted, but I'm surprised it took him this long to be snapped up by an elite club, since as I say, it's not as if he's only just started scoring heavily in the past couple of years.
  17. Well it seems a bit of a salient point if you say he hasn't had a season like this one in terms of being at a top team, since this has been his first season that fits that description. All I'm saying is your statement was implying he's only suddenly had a great goalscoring season, when in fact for Genoa and Zaragoza he's been a consistent goalscorer. Perhaps prolific in some eyes. Either way, it's a shame he's only just had a chance with a top team.
  18. Obviously you think Milito to be the better player. Of course. EDIT: I don't at all, for those getting angry. In fact, i'm not a massive fan of Milito. He'll never have another season like this one and never has before. Eh? He's had numerous good seasons. 152 goals in 274 games, with no season seeing him struggle to hit the back of the net. Also can't see any reason why he couldn't have another good season or 2. In terms of stature, no, I don't think he'll get any higher. Decisive goals to win all 3 trophies is pretty unbeatable.
  19. How do people rate S. Taylor at right back? Has he been given a run there before? I think it's definitely worth a go, with Colo and Williamson at centre back. Viable?
  20. Said Brazil for a long time now so I'll stick with Dunga's mob.
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