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Everything posted by Neil

  1. They're all just different ways of saying the same thing, though.
  2. Well then, best let Fabio know. I hope he does.
  3. Neil

    La Liga 09/10

    Hercules got the 3rd spot didn't they, VI?
  4. I'm disappointed Brazil are playing fairly pointless friendlies football-wise in the shape of Zimbabwe and Tanzania. Would have liked to have seen them up against a bunch of players resembling a half-decent team. Can't help but feel they'll do it though, perhaps more down to gut instinct than anything. I think Dunga's got them all singing from the same hymn sheet. I hope they don't rely on Kaka too much.
  5. Still going for the £2K Spain bet Ronaldo? Semi-finals for England, I'd say. I'll dare to dream, though.
  6. England are 13/2 for the WC now; weren't they 11/2 pre squad announcement?
  7. Also, did I hear right: Kenny Sansom was advocating Warnock going ahead of Baines because Warnock has "youthful energy" (spot the glaring error), and then just ignored Baines' superior stats? And no, I don't think Baines is England class. Should have been ahead of Warnock though.
  8. Thoroughly disappointing. The biggest annoyance is I let myself think he actually would pick those in form.
  9. yak seems set to be moved on Moyes has done wonders getting Saha on the pitch a lot more than Fergie & ManUre could ever do. Saha was great in the first half of the season, peaking with him ripping apart Chelsea. Then he signed his new contract and was awful in pretty much every game since. Strangely, he played well when we were shite.
  10. Well the impression I'm getting is that there's certainly enough interest, hopefullyas you say a date can be sorted in the next week or 2. Hopefully drinks will be involved too.
  11. France will scrape through Group A with Uruguay. Holland and Denmark from E.
  12. Two decent strikers better than what we already have. A speedy central midfielder. A right back as a matter of urgency. Those are the bare minimum we need. We'll give you Tony Hibbert.
  13. Aye I'll join, the deadline will be the 11th, I assume?
  14. You think your strikeforce is up to much though? I'd like another quality striker, yes, but what I'm saying is we can survive without buying one. If I'm being greedy I want a few more quality players but we barely have the money for one let alone a few, so we have to be content with what we've got, and in my opinion we have every reason to be so. Our strikeforce isn't mint but it's not exactly bad. Regardless we've shown we don't really rely on goals from the front because we have players who chip in from midfield regularly.
  15. We don't need many additions at all. What we need is our squad not to get injured all at once again. Our first 14 games were poor, but as 2 defeats in 24 games after that tells you, we're a rather good team when we have our good players playing.
  16. Tunisia 1-0 France after 5 minutes. Edit: should have been 2, France cut open with reassuring ease.
  17. It's got to that time where I could do with deciding what outright bets I'm going to put on for the World Cup. Out of principle I'm not doing a winner/top scorer double though due to the fact the odds completely con you. Brazil/Fabiano for example: Brazil are 9/2 to win, Fabiano is 12/1 to be top scorer. The double is 25/1 - fuck off!
  18. Have a full quid on: Mexico -1 Nigeria-Colombia draw France -1 Chile -1
  19. Paraguay v Ivory Coast about to kick off, should be decent.
  20. Not a fan? I don't hate England or anything, it's just pretty ridiculous. Not good to watch but it's an important quality to have, tbh.
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