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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Will Liverpool ever learn the zonal marking system has got them nowhere? "Cruel season for Liverpool." How? They've been shite. Fuck off, Pearce.
  2. £15m well spent. Cracking player. He's getting better and better, and one of the first on the team-sheet atm. Always maintained it was a long-term investment, and I'm chuffed he's doing well. I'm even more chuffed that we're showing that we can play some good stuff as well with the likes of himself, Pienaar and Bily.
  3. Mouth-watering one-touch passing from Barca.
  4. I get the feeling this won't finish 3-2.
  5. Inter 2-2. Kris doesn't like me.
  6. Mate, I get this image of you sitting down at 12 on a Saturday in front of the computer, and having a stash of money next to you for novelty value as you wheel and deal your way through the betting markets thoughout the day.
  7. Last chance saloon, free kick. Gurpegi off. Over. And that will be that.
  8. Bilbao look like they have put in a massive shift tonight, credit to them.
  9. All of a sudden I can't see them scoring 2. Ah well, only a quid.
  10. Sevilla's crippled by injuries. I know their pain. Well. Not literally.
  11. Mancini's response to the reporter's question of, "Why wasn't it a penalty?": "I don't know." Does seem like acanny enough guy though.
  12. Conisdering they have had more money to spend than most clubs in the league, can the season so far be called a failure for them? IIRC, a £30m-ish net spend last summer. Poor.
  13. I may well be living in 2009 still but re: Sevilla - no Fabiano? Renato? Adriano?
  14. Not entirely sure why but I strongly fancy Bolton to score first tomorow but Arsenal to win.
  15. Best day of football I've enjoyed in quite some time. Surely even Liverpool supporters are now in disbelief at the length Benitez will go to express his pathetic petulance?
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