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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Neil

    Football pet hates

    Tbh, you had quite a punchable team at the time: Carsely, Graveson, Kilbane, Cahill... I'm sure I'm missing some. Phil Neville, Hibbert and then ontop David Moyes. The Tim Cahill punch the corner flag over celebration is annoying as fuck aswell. Hibbert's funny as fuck because he's so incompetent at times. And how can't you like buck-toothed Zinedine!?
  2. Perhaps I'm getting a bit carried away with a lad who is a work in progress, but I don't rate either Taylor or Colo that highly, and sooner or later Kadar will overtake both. Both Taylor and Colo will be colossal next season after spending a season in the Championship. Its like going out to Idols after a dry spell, just to wet the whistle, then heading down to the Quayside next weekend with that experience in the lower leagues. Does wonders
  3. Neil

    Jonas Gutierrez

    I can't resist getting involved in this. CaliMag: who is saying 'get rid'? Pointless argument. It's an entirely worthwhile debate because Jonas, when I've seen him this year, has been, well, rubbish. Acceptable at this level, perhaps. A good player does something with the ball. Jonas, 9 times out of 10, doesn't. I want players in my side who DO something. If that means they don't run as many miles, I don't give a fuck. If they're doing something productive with the ball, then I'd be pleased.
  4. I hope Martinez doesn't completely change his approach after this game though. Much better to see a manager willing to attack and play football against every team and be as likely to nick a one nil against the big boys or suffer an arse tanning. Total rubbish. They were-.... Ah. I see 1878 has covered it.
  5. Neil

    Thierry Henry

    Considered retirement, bahahaha. Utter rubbish. Regardless of the referees failing to see it, it was blatant cheating. His reputation has been tarnished, of course it has.
  6. Neil

    Jonas Gutierrez

    He ran a lot. Otherwise, he was awful.
  7. Also, I maintain you were always more likely to drop points against Swansea than you were tonight. Preston have faded recently and offered very little. I expect Swansea, who are on a great run, to create chances and definitely score.
  8. Another close game with very little quality to shout about, but you got the vital goal through someone who's in good form, and your defence was relatively untroubled. You'll easily come straight back up.
  9. Neil

    Football pet hates

    I can't see any reason why Tim Cahill wouldn't be in everyone's top 5 'favourite players' lists.
  10. There better be some fucking fireworks at some point.
  11. When you're subjected to the Norwegian league I guess the MLS is a blessing.
  12. Haha, one of the fans in the crowd sporting a Barca shirt.
  13. Fucks sake. I know I need to get some sleep but I want to see who wins this.
  14. Galaxy looking the more likely, if there is to be a winner in normal time. That Findley for RLS has had a great game.
  15. Same. Ought to be up by half nine.
  16. Haha, Donovan kicks it out, claims a corner and gets it. That chance surely counts as goalmouth action? Maybe?
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