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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Fair point about his suspensions, missed 8 gamed, right?


    I suppose the way to look at it are fans happy you spent £60m on him? I think the answer is yes, same for Isak and us 

  2. 18 minutes ago, Froggy said:


    On the flip side Casemiro is one of the most decorated players of all time and has been undeniably world class for a long, long time. 


    Isak is a striker with a 1 in 3 record. 


    Both fees were too high. 

    I think both fees have been justified though 

  3. There were some Newcastle fans saying the fee was expensive so it's not a shock if fans of other clubs had that thought 


    As it happens they were wrong cos it's looking like a bargain so far 

  4. On the Liverpool-Arsenal game, I think Arsenal will dominate the game and win


    Liverpool are a bit shite at the moment and there is no real rivalry between them to get the crowd up to close the gap in quality


    3-1 to Arsenal and that will then make them heavy favourites for the league 

  5. Just now, Pancrate1892 said:

    Have Newcastle actually benefited from any dubious VAR call this season? 

    Did the pope/Jimenez one even go to VAR?


    The VAR table is a waste of time unless you are just going to have a table for 'dubious VAR calls'. Liverpool are undoubtedly the run away leaders that benefit, ironically wolves have been robbed of results a couple of seasons in a row due to some shocking decisions chalking off very good goals whilst even man city have had some shockers at anfield. These added to our horrific anfield list.


    If things even themselves out that means the likes of Newcastle are due some ridiculous wave of fortune where as the Scouse and spuds should expect stuff hoofed out of play to be given as goals for the opposition 


    That did go to VAR, all major incidents do go (so potential penalties or red cards), however in that case they deemed the referee didn't make a clear and obvious error (As it happens  I thought Jiminez jumped into Pope) 


    Only other one I can think of is Trippier red being overturned after VAR intervenes but I thought that was a correct intervention 



  6. 9 hours ago, Menace said:

    Give him another contract please.

    Was given one last summer but they didn't specify a duration, just said long term but aye he needs that rolling contract that useless turd Bruce got


    He's amazing, was quickly on board once he was appointed, (some self congratulations comiyg) also amongst a small amount of people that was defending him in Jan 2022 when quite a few were pissing their pants (recall someone describing him as a slight upgrade on Bruce, what a vile description)


    Everytime significant questions have been asked of him he has the answers. In recent weeks it's class we've won in different ways (conceded the first goal to Forest/Brentford but still found a way to win, got pegged back by Wolves but got a second wind and just battered Man-U from start to finish)

  7. Aye it's crazy to think we've probably got him on the cheap


    His numbers for last season were underwhelming but there were underlying reasons for that and it's class the scouts at the club recognised that 


    Based on what we've seen so far and knowing he will still get better as he gets used to the league he's easily a £100m+ player 

  8. First half was terrible, it was far from an Eddie Howe performance, no intensity and just lots of silly mistakes, which was demonstrated by that first penalty. Was a let off that Toney messed it up but we still didn't wake up and was probably fair to be losing at half time even if it came through very questionable means.


    The second half was very different, particularly the first 20 mins, we were superb and that Bruno/Joelinton partnership in the middle was excellent, would be good to see the 4-2-3-1 more often.


    When the 3rd goal was disallowed I was worried it would psychologically hurt us but we pretty much managed the game quite well until the end and should really have scored a 3rd (again).


    Great result and somewhat eases the pressure on what is a tough game away to Villa.

  9. 4 hours ago, Pancrate1892 said:

    Their manager making some kind of statement about how much we paid for isak....someone should remind him we hammered them 5-1 without 63m on the pitch 


    Definitely noticed that too, if he mentioned his name and praised him and then the price I would sort of get it but instead it was "fantastic finish from a £63m striker"


    I guess it's a coping mechanism for failing to beat us despite a terrible first half combined with some dodgy officiating 

  10. 1 hour ago, Nobody said:

    I'm sure I just don't understand the rules, but why is Wilsons goal ruled out? I know that the scorer can't even touch the ball with his arm before scoring (absolute bullshit rule btw, Callum clearly gets no advantage from the ball coming off his arm there), but it comes off the defender before he scores, so surely that should have cancelled the potential hand ball involvement? 

    I think the rule discounts any touches from the opposition 


  11. 2 hours ago, Solitude20 said:

    The rule of thumb for a handball is whether or not the ball enlarged his body. Wilson’s hand seemed to me in a natural position, so I really don’t get the decision. 

    When goals are scored they disregard that, they simply look at whether there was contact with the hand, the debate here is whether it struck him below that sleeve point


    Look at the Fulham own goal today, Coufal clearly hand balls it but since his action didn't directly lead to a goal it stood whereas last season it would not have counted 

  12. 6 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

    Is he a box to box type ?

    He is but seems to be playing more on the left side, so quite similar role to Joelinton 


    Been their best player, created a good chance for Pepe who should have scored 

  13. 13 minutes ago, alexf said:

    Just looked at Arsenal's fixtures and Man city's and have to say I think Arsenal will get pipped unfortunately for them. 


    I don't see Man city dropping anymore points and Arsenal have got away fixtures against Liverpool then City and then us. It could possibly be a repeat of last season aswell if we get a result against them as it could be the nail in the coffin. 


    I hope our game is irrelevant and they win it anyways as probably prefer them than City winning yet again.


    I'm not sure


    I think Arsenal will beat Liverpool tomorrow and they'll get at least a point against City 


    I also do think City have some dropped points in them, especially as they are still involved in 3 competitions 

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