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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. I reckon Arsenal will win tonight, the previous bad results have meant there is less pressure on them now as most people think they have bottled it but this will allow them to play with more freedom 

  2. 2 minutes ago, nufc123 said:

    Lets see if they can handle the pressure tomorrow. Feels like a final

    Man-U game felt significant and we handled it fine 


    Hopefully we can have a fast start to get the crowd going as well

  3. 6 minutes ago, KaKa said:

    Everyone wastes time when it suits them. Even the almighty Man City.

    Yep, every club has done it and will do it when it suits


    Tbf to City (Pep) I don't really recall seeing them complain about it too much


    It's Klopp, Arteta and now Ten Hag that are the whingebags

  4. I wonder how Tuchel approaches this game


    Has to really go for it, which if not done sensibly could backfire 


    If they get an early goal though it could make for an interesting game as City love a CL bottlejob

  5. 20 minutes ago, BonesJones said:


    I'd argue all those teams had/have a better squad than Sunderland. It would be a miracle if you stayed up, hence fans saying they don't want it yet.

    Not wanting promotion is insane, much like those that are unsure about getting CL football so soon


    How a club deals with promotion is key, the risk is spending heavily and still getting relegated or being more reserved but then pretty much accepting you will get relegated (see Norwich)

  6. 1 hour ago, huss9 said:

    out of fucking europe, but arent these cunts guaranteed in a place in the first season of the new fifa world club cup which has been increased to 32 teams?

    Yes, UEFA will have 12 slots


    4 of which will go the winners of the CL from 2021 to 2024 (So Chelsea and Real so far) and then the remaining 8 will be based on a 4 year UEFA ranking (with a limit of 2 per country unless more clubs win the CL from the same country) 

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