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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 4 minutes ago, Thumbheed said:


    I've always been a fan of Longstaff but if we were to sell him and it wasn't to be Bruno to pick up his role, then I think someone like Gallagher would be a really good option in that number 8 role.




    Sell Longstaff and replace him with someone not as good as him? That's madness 

  2. I'm not too sure I agree with that, I think those runs were necessary at the time and it's how he was told to play


    Bruce tactics were give him the ball and let him try and do it all, which resulted in lots of those mazy dribbles which was great individually but as a team there was no great benefit as he was often heavily marked or isolated 


    Currently that's different, when he now picks up the ball there are runners either ahead of him or alongside him, he no longer needs to take on 5 people nor is he asked to do that 

  3. Wasn't able to watch the match live so recorded it and avoided my phone to not see the score.


    The last time I did something similar was in 2007 when we played Portsmouth and I watched MOTD not knowing what was to come, we were 3 nil down after only 11 minutes so that was an absolute disaster.


    Was a part of me worried that would happen today but had absolutely nothing to worry about. Even when Zouma scored I was confident we'd still win and scoring so soon after kick off was so relaxing.



  4. 3 hours ago, Mountain said:


    Is Donnarumma is far superior to Pope?

    Donnarumma is not all that, especially relative to how much he gets hyped 


    He's still young so can still improve 

  5. 2 hours ago, Mountain said:


    14 goals in 86 games?


    You're right actually, my bad.


    How does Ginola compare to that? And was he 'So bad so often' too?

  6. I love Maxi and I'm glad to see he's put in a number of good performances recently (Wolves, Man-U), this idea that some people have that he can't play for Howe was always ludicrous to me and we are seeing a slightly different Maxi


    Also the clamour from some to sell him was strange, almost like the concept of having a squad is strange to them (maybe still reeling from Mike Ashley) 


    Our squad will improve when we get rid of the weakest members (Ritchie, Lewis etc) not being getting rid of one of out better players who also is unique in what he brings to the squad


  7. They really are massively drugged up on copium 


    Rather than acknowledge we are a canny side instead they'll rubbish the league from our position and below 


    (But the Champo mid table is where the real quality sits)

  8. It's quite strange that during his loan spell he was pretty much finishing all sorts of chances but his all round game was fairly anonymous (Bruce ball I guess), whereas now his all round game has significantly improved but he's missing a fair amount of chances 


    Still, overall he was brilliant and has been for a while 

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