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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 29 minutes ago, Ketsbaia said:

    Not only are Chelsea spending £62m on Cucurella but it's seemingly to be the left centre-back in a three-man defence. Just seems a waste of his talents.

    Surely he would only be a backup for that spot and primarily compete with Chilwell for LB?


    Silva-Koulibaly-newCB/Azpi is what I reckon the back 3 will be

  2. Just now, duo said:

    How is it a non story?

    Because Clearlake Capital are an investment firm that manages money for lots and lots of companies/individuals


    The  article states no investment exceeds 5% so that's the max PIF will have  

  3. On 12/03/2022 at 11:20, Geordie Ahmed said:

    I think it's pretty likely he'll get a contract extension in the summer 

    Seemed obvious and inevitable to me, sensible decision all round


    Glad to see we are being ran like a normal club

  4. The £20m thing could well be true, who knows but if it is not sure why it is a concern 


    Since the owners have come in it's not only transfers we have spent/committed to, there's all the other stuff such as the extra staff we've taken on (proper staff, not doylems like Charnley) and the money spent on the stadium/training ground.


    Ultimately, our revenues need to increase and that's not an overnight thing, I do think patience for a few years is needed

  5. 7 minutes ago, gbandit said:

    I think he’s looked better than ok and I think he can play a role for us this season. My main issue with keeping him is less about the team’s fortunes and more about whether his development would be better getting 90 min games in the championship 



    I think him playing 90 mins every week at a higher level than last season is better for his development, more than coming off the bench later on in games

  6. 39 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    Brighton's a bit different from Lyon. Doesn't alter the fact he said everything was agreed and he was due in London, when that is obviously not the case. 

    Why are they different?


    Brighton could have their own reasons for saying nothing is agreed. If the deal goes through in the next few days then Fabirzio was right

  7. 7 minutes ago, TRon said:

    What's this lad like who they are thinking of bringing as a replacement for Maddison? Houssem Aouar? Is he worth looking at?



    I'm a big fan of his, stock was highest when they played City in the CL and he was fantastic, form has dropped a bit since then but still a fantastic footballer


    I would be over the moon if we went for him as an alternative to Maddison 

  8. 21 minutes ago, Newcastle Fan said:

    Loving the fact that two Sunderland fans have created a whole account about their love for Bilbao and how closely associated the two clubs are only for Bilbao to go creating full video montages about how much they love Newcastle :lol: saw the sad bastards tweeting to the Bilbao Spanish page trying to undermine it but they were largely ignored.

    Aye that's been hilarious


    He keeps tweeting that the relationship is just a drunken night and European defeat but conveniently ignores the official Bilbao twitter proper going to town over the "relationship"


    He also claimed that their links are based on the origin but is unable to provide any evidence, his entire existence absolutely in the mud  

  9. 10 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    Just seen their display and think it looks class tbh. All for fans trying to create an atmosphere and spectacle.


    I agree, thought the display looked good and like you say any fan doing that deserves credit


    The issue is the way they've had a go at us for it and then also they way they caricature that we claim to have invented flags, both of which are nonsense

  10. 18 minutes ago, TK-421 said:


    Thought you were joking about them blaming 'Mag' coppers, but they actually are. :jesuswept:

    They need help, their obsession with blaming anything negative on "Mags" is extremely unhealthy 

  11. 9 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    Well I beg to differ, again I know of a women’s senior teams giving their under 18 male equivalents a run for their money and even recording the odd win, obviously it doesn’t get reported on so as not to embarrass the men’s game. You’re right though, we shouldn’t compare!




    You don't actually believe this do you?



  12. Have next to no knowledge of the players but someone on RTG is hoping Scott gets to show the trophy at the BOL


    I mean, does she actually play for them? And do players usually parade international trophies at the clubs they play? (Obviously have no experience of England winning so no idea if this is a thing) 

  13. 3 minutes ago, Gawalls said:

    Massive jump from first division to championship and they’re not used to it yet. I think it’s a good point

    Depends on what the expectation/hope is, if the aim is to stay up then it's a good point.


    If it's promotion then maybe not so great but it's only 1 game, we lost our first two and still got promoted relatively comfortably (Obviously we had a much better squad and manager)

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