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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 51 minutes ago, Chris_R said:

    What was their flag display like?

    Seemed canny enough the odd photo I've seen but it's funny how flag displays are no longer nonce behaviour like they used for claim 

  2. Really impressed with him so far, he's strong, positioning looks solid and comfortable with the ball at his feet, as has been mentioned he looks for a positive pass, played some really good forward passes. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Srt29 said:

    Capital contributions aren’t recognised in UK company law. Regardless of that, there’s different ways they can get money into the club. The credit facility is one way. Issuing shares is another and this is something they did in January when they put £40m in. 

    In terms of ownership structure, the club is wholly owned by PZ Newco Limited and in turn, this company is 80% owned by PIF (NCUK Limited) and 20% by PCP/Reuben’s under their joint venture, JV1 Limited. In January, you can see the issue of 40m shares at £1 per share in PZ Newco in order to inject the £40m. You can also see that JV1 issued 8m shares at £1 each which would be their £8m part of the 20% split so the 80/20 split remained (PIF would have put in £32m I assume).


    However something that I don’t think has been picked up on (at least from what I’ve read) is the special resolution filed in January from JV1 which looks like the 8m shares were paid by RB Sports & Media. You can also see that RB became the major shareholder in JV1 taking more than the 50% split after this resolution. Therefore, PCP’s holding would be diluted to ~45% of JV1 which in turn means their shareholding of NUFC is diluted to ~8.96%.


    I could be very wrong with this analysis as I’m no expert but Staveley did mention that diluting was very possible back in February I think during a summit.


    Aye, she did say that, this article has the quotes 



  4. 2 minutes ago, Happinesstan said:

    I thought we got in excess of £100million.

    We did but the rest of that is made up of league position and how often we are on TV


    A guess you can almost guarantee a certain amount as there is a minimum amount each club needs to be shown (think it's around 9 but I could be wrong)

  5. 10 minutes ago, Lotus said:

    I would think it’s perfectly legitimate to at least ask why, if we’re owned (in the majority) and one would think financed by PIF why we would be taking a bank loan for cash flow.

    I’m not saying it’s necessarily indicative of anything any of us propose but is at least worthy of discussion, is it not?

    And, just because our new owners have definitely talk the talk so far, let’s have our eyes open. I read lots and lots of posts saying the Saudis won’t settle for 2nd best, etc. That may be so but, let’s just temper our excitement with the actual evidence of what they do rather than our dreams of what they might do.


    From my own POV football has been horribly f**ked by sugar daddies but given that it is so, I hope we go mad with it. I really do. The game in total has been ruined anyway. 


    I agree, I'd like to know why they are doing it this way but that's just purely out of curiosity, more knowledge is never a bad thing


    My post was more aimed at those that think it's worrying or looking at it as proper doom and gloom

  6. Anyone worried that this signifies the owners aren't serious or that they don't have the money or are unwilling to invest money only need to look at what they've done since they've been here


    Their actions from replacing the manager, getting in numerous coaching staff, getting in a well respected sporting director, a CEO with a solid record, spending money on the stadium, improvements to the training ground and the most important of them all, £150m on improving the squad tells you about their intent 


    So people need to calm down, what this loan means I'm not sure but I'll trust it's for the benefit of the club/squad 


    No doubt grumpy will be telling us that we are bring liquidated the doylem that he is 

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