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Geordie Ahmed

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Everything posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Al-Rumayyan is the Chairman of Aramco so if this takeover fails then there is no chance Aramco can complete a takeover, all issues (human rights, piracy etc) would be the same
  2. Doesn't Gotze have some health condition which caused him lots of injuries in the past or is he fully over that?
  3. He does but I think it started with Rafa, he hates us but he loves Bruce, it's why he got giddy when Bruce picked up more points than Rafa at similar stages
  4. Unless I've missed something else but isn't the problem Keys has with us not due to Rafa? He slated Rafa (with him being a forrin) and we've defended Rafa (aside from the odd knuckle dragger) and I think he has struggled to accept that. His narrative that Rafa isn't all that and that he is a greedy man with no integrity (ironic much) is one we reject. You mix that with his employers being involved in a political war with Saudi Arabia and the end result is toxic Hairy Potter.
  5. I assume they are working it out based on official confirmation from the PL early next week and the 3-5 days for funds to transfer
  6. Wanting to win a trophy (first time in most fans lifteime) is deserving of an ASBO? I dislike Bruce but it's easily 1
  7. You've got two WBAs in there. Must be a typo as Ba was West Ham
  8. If they do say no I suspect the premier league facebook page is going to get bombarded I've no idea how they'll cope with that. I'm sure that'll bring the whole organisation of the PL to its knees. That wasn't the point I was making
  9. If they do say no I suspect the premier league facebook page is going to get bombarded
  10. Those investments to my knowledge weren't subject to a test like ours is The investment in us is a tiny, tiny portion of the total PIF assets. The letters are clearly about raising awareness which is understandable but those are huge companies so you would expect similar letters at least addressing the concerns even if the end result is just a bit of awareness
  11. Aye, its the worst argument of all time. Awful. Not really the worst is it though If you think the takeover should not be allowed to go through on moral grounds (which btw is a stance anyone is entitled to and it's understandable) but then you happily view/consume content/products in which they also have investments it's hypocrisy, now some people are comfortable being selective and again that's their prerogative but the hypocrisy can be called out No it is not hypocrisy at all. These things are not comparable. I have to put petrol in my car, and even if i didn't I get the bus, so that consumes petrol. I have to get home from town, so I use an uber. There are things that you use in a society because you have to. The argument that I should quit using uber is ridiculous. If we applied that logic unilaterally, nobody could disagree with anything. Hate capitalism mate, well you've got an iphone! Check mate! Take away the essential products then, you don't need Disney products or need to use Facebook or need to have Starbucks etc That's where the hypocrisy lies, I don't expect people to stop driving but if you object to the takeover on moral grounds but you blast through Disney+ then aye that's a bit dodgy and selective So what you're saying is that Newcastle United is the same to you as any other business? That's fine if that's your position but it's a bit of a weird one for most football fans. NUFC is the worldwide representative of my city so I'm inclined to want to be able to feel proud of it and what it stands for. The only way it's comparable with Uber or Disney is if you have an emotional stake in those businesses. I couldn't give two fucks if they went under tomorrow so it's not the same in the slightest. I care more if someone kills my wife than if someone kills your wife. That's not hypocrisy, it's life. I care more about things I care about than things I don't. That's not my position at all, I want the takeover to go ahead even if I can at the same time accept the SA regime has issues If you (or anyone else) don't care about those businesses and whether they go under then it's easier to leave those things in comparison to the emotional investment of nufc I've previously said there is an element of hypocrisy in us all, I've said if it was the Israeli government buying us I would object but i'm not oblivious to the fact it would be hypocritical
  12. Aye, its the worst argument of all time. Awful. Not really the worst is it though If you think the takeover should not be allowed to go through on moral grounds (which btw is a stance anyone is entitled to and it's understandable) but then you happily view/consume content/products in which they also have investments it's hypocrisy, now some people are comfortable being selective and again that's their prerogative but the hypocrisy can be called out No it is not hypocrisy at all. These things are not comparable. I have to put petrol in my car, and even if i didn't I get the bus, so that consumes petrol. I have to get home from town, so I use an uber. There are things that you use in a society because you have to. The argument that I should quit using uber is ridiculous. If we applied that logic unilaterally, nobody could disagree with anything. Hate capitalism mate, well you've got an iphone! Check mate! Take away the essential products then, you don't need Disney products or need to use Facebook or need to have Starbucks etc That's where the hypocrisy lies, I don't expect people to stop driving but if you object to the takeover on moral grounds but you blast through Disney+ then aye that's a bit dodgy and selective
  13. Aye, its the worst argument of all time. Awful. Not really the worst is it though If you think the takeover should not be allowed to go through on moral grounds (which btw is a stance anyone is entitled to and it's understandable) but then you happily view/consume content/products in which they also have investments it's hypocrisy, now some people are comfortable being selective and again that's their prerogative but the hypocrisy can be called out
  14. I've veered from mildly optimistic to increasingly concerned that the premier league are going to finally grow some balls and quite rightly tell the Saudi's that the answer is no for anyone of a myriad of reasons. The thought of leaving us with Ashley and Bruce is just too horrible to contemplate, I would like to say that I'll be finished with football and the club but it's not so easy after supporting them for over 50 years. I don't think I can be finished with football but the thought of Ashley/Bruce remaining is nauseating
  15. That makes no sense, so they are going to fail the current test but get told to bid again in the future which will involve a more stringent test than the one they failed?
  16. I see no reason for it not too. I think Midds has summed it up well. A document of alleged proof from a 3rd party (who likely have political motives) will not be considered enough evidence to prevent a takeover. It would have to have been proven in a court of law. Aside from that, that is assuming the Premier League consider PIF and the Saudi government to be one and the same, they have alluded that they do not. when did they allude to this? In their reply to Amnesty the said a company based in Saudi Arabia, not sure whether that means a great deal really "I write in reply to your letter on April 20 concerning the putative takeover of Newcastle United FC by a company based in Saudi Arabia. "You will appreciate that these matters are often subject to media speculations but at their heart are due processes required by UK law and by the Premier League's own rules, which can't be conducted in public and on which we can't comment. "However, I can assure you that these processes go beyond those required by UK company Law and they are applied with equal rigour to every single prospective purchase of a Premier League club."
  17. Probably none. Hard to say as others have mentioned we play a system that suits them. Maybe Schar and Lejeune could get in as backups. That’s not the point though, we will be limited by ffp. If a time comes when cb is our weakest position, we can go out and get one. This is it, with FFP we will be limited as to what we can spend, the logical thing is to focus on your weakest areas and that is not at centre back Think the FFP talk is a bit of a red herring. £150m is the figure being banded around and the doesnt take sales into account. Furthermore, the rules are likely to be relaxed and there will be alot more value in the market due to the current climate. There is a huge amount going in our favour here. Maybe it's the Ashley effect but does the £150m include wages? I don't think we'll generate that much from sales but let's say that becomes £180m to spend, I still think other areas of the squad are a priority that CB should be left until all of those are sorted Whilst I like our set of CB's if we want to kick on there is always better, it's just a matter of focusing on the priority (central midfield, striker, full backs)
  18. Probably none. Hard to say as others have mentioned we play a system that suits them. Maybe Schar and Lejeune could get in as backups. That’s not the point though, we will be limited by ffp. If a time comes when cb is our weakest position, we can go out and get one. This is it, with FFP we will be limited as to what we can spend, the logical thing is to focus on your weakest areas and that is not at centre back
  19. I think it's hilarious, I remember the grief they gave us over the 6 in a row (Thanks Pardew) and then when we got relegated At the time I remember telling a couple of Mackems that us getting relegated is bad for them as were the only thing keeping them up for the last few years, I didn't quite expect them to fall this far but it's a bonus I don't want to see them back in the premier league until they've at least humbled themselves (which is probably never)
  20. Before going into administration would the guys that gave the £10 loan not take ownership of the club? Would administration benefit them or would they be better off investing a few quid and getting them into The Championship?
  21. Poor fucker spent a fortune on them clearing the debt yet he's being begrudged taking a comparatively little chunk out. That's brutal, he's lost millions after bankrolling that club, his mistake was appointing the wrong managers and then pandering to the fans, their entire season and world revolved around us and the derbies The 6 in a row they love so much has partly contributed to them being in the situation they are in
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