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Geordie Ahmed

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Everything posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. I could be mistaken, Premier League site has him on 8, as does livescore and whoscored Whereas nufc.com as well as FPL has him on 7
  2. Miley played PL2 football last season and stood out, as a result he was training with the first team and didn't look out of place (this follows the season before where he played over 20 times for the U18's, at the age of 15) Hence, he was given his debut last season away to Chelsea and then taken to the US where he got decent minutes and then Howe told everyone he isn't going out on loan as he's very much part of the first team squad So, no not like Miley 2 months ago
  3. Aye, it counts up to the 32nd fixture, which means it's absolutely nailed on like Edit: He's on 7 at the moment, so 3 more yellows before 32nd fixture (Fulham away on April 6th)
  4. Geordie Ahmed

    Dan Burn

    I think both Lascelles and Burn will stay It will end up being RB - Trippier, Livramento, possibly Krafth too CB - Botman, Schar, Lascelles, Burn LB - Targett, Hall
  5. Geordie Ahmed

    Dan Burn

    His contract was due to end this summer, it's effectively been extended by a year. It made sense and at the time most would have agreed with it, though can understand why recent form might make it seem weird In theory he should be 4th choice CB and 2nd/3rd choice LB so giving him an extra year makes sense, the FFP benefit isn't necessarily huge in terms of extension but if there is an opportunity to sell him in the summer then it could help but I suspect he isn't going anywhere and he'll be here next season too Ritchie/Dummett should not under any circumstances be given contract extensions, thank them for their services in the summer and say goodbye to them
  6. I think that's a reasonable ask, I personally can understand why Howe is sticking with his primary way of playing and feel long term it's the best approach I just don't think saying we should chuck kids that are clearly not ready just to give some players a rest is the right solution, it won't help the team and it will just damage any of these kids development When these youngsters are ready, they'll be given their opportunity, just like Miley was (though he's no doubt ended up having to play way more than expected)
  7. Sanusi is 16 years old and has pretty much just played youth football, he isn't going to just get chucked in and rightly so
  8. When he got that ball I didn't even get remotely excited as I knew it would end in nothing, he's predictably toothless
  9. Potentially a fair question but I'd argue we don't tend to see top managers generally deviate from their playing style, even when they are missing players I think having a plan B or another way of playing is certainly useful but don't think the core way of playing ever changes, Pep played that way when he first came to the league, I remember people saying his style needed to change as it won't last here but he stuck with it and it's been more subtle tweaks over the years but the primary way of playing hasn't changed, same for Klopp as well So I can understand why Howe has stuck with his primary style of pressing (in recent games we can see the intensity of this is way off) and I believe it's the better approach to take long term
  10. These are all mostly in December, had a quick glance at the games prior and the xG against was nowhere near as bad So, it's either we changed something tactically in a drastic way, the opposition suddenly found us out or the brutal injury crisis has well and truly caught up?
  11. You've said the target is a European spot so how on earth is the season over if we lose on Saturday?
  12. Fwiw I still love the bloke and I fully back him Not surprised some are talking about him losing the Derby and that's him done, sadly far too many people have short memories and have absolutely no patience I don't understand how people can't look at this season up to this point and not have sympathy for the injury situation or not realise what a devastating effect it has had on our season Of course people can analyse formations, tactics, subs etc but I'd much rather judge those things when he has a decent set of players available to him Also, I've said previously but it also seems like people have this naive expectation on what progress looks like, it isn't always linear and if you take a step back it doesn't and shouldn't mean the manager needs to be sacked This season will not be as good as last season, that much is clear but I believe it could end up being a valuable season and benefit us in the long term but we need to be patient and back the manager
  13. Not sure how it's still 0-0 but I'll take it Though Liverpool scoring seems inevitable
  14. Gibbs-White is the signing you make for £40-45m, he'd cost £60m+ to get now and whilst he's good he's not that good
  15. Aye, he was class, just winning ball after ball Really feel like we could do with someone like that Also, was really impressed with Robinson, he was quality
  16. Arsenal still have time to turn it around and I still think they'll end up getting something from this game but they've been terrible in the second half, especially since losing Absolutely no urgency from them
  17. Danger of speaking too soon but think after a poor start the ref has had a good game, not falling for a lot of the theatrics
  18. Let's hope it stays this way cos AFTV always makes for delightful viewing
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