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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. I don't get the stick that Taylor gets - people make it out like he is a s*** defender when that is far from the case



    Not so long ago people were talking about him as one of England's most promising CBs.


    I don't think he's world class, but he's a good asset to the squad and probably as good as Williamson TBH.


    I don't think he is world class either - when he first came into the side I thought he could have been world class BUT his game seems to have stagnated (probably due to playing alongside poor defenders and in a poor team, both on and off the pitch) - still he is a good defender and I think given a chance he will show that

  2. It was a horrible mistake BUT it happens - he has been immense for us so dont want to dwell on it


    I do hope he can forget about it and carry on with his excellent performances - there is always a worry after a mistake like that a players confidence falling to pieces



  3. Tiote is the most crucial player - we would be f***ed without him, Alan Smith playing is just  :facepalm:


    After Tiote it is Carroll that is most important

    If we play 4-4-2 long term, a holding player isn't essential. It will be interesting to see what Guthrie and gosling provide us. Part of why Tiote has been so crucial is because of Nolan's inadequacies.


    A holding player is essential if Nolan is playing in central midfield as well, which seems like he will be doing unless injury arises



  4. I like how they still think we "can't match them man for man", ridiculous, surely even the most ignorant Mackem would take, Coloccini, Enrique, Barton, Tiote, Nolan and Carroll? Krul looks more competent than Mignolet for my money, Williamson is still a little unproven but he has performed better than any of their defenders this season. Not bothered about RB, Unuoha is a decent player, I'd also take Jonas over who? Malbranque? Henderson? Meh, whoever, he's better than both of them at this point in time.


    I've said before, I'd take Unouha and Henderson for the squad, and that's probably it, I understand people rate Bent but I never have and never will, and he wouldn't have a place in our team as it stands today.


    Howay man Mensah is the best centre back in the league


    :mackems: :mackems:

  5. Seems like dropping a division helped a few players BUT none moreso than Coloccini - he did struggle in his first season, which wasnt that unusual considering the mess the team was in


    BUT since then he has been immense - the Championship was frankly too easy for him and he has been top class this season as well

  6. Sunderland have class?  :mackems: :mackems: :mackems:


    Would that be the same Sunderland where one of their fans racially abused their star strikers mother? Aye, proper class like




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