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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 19 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    I don't get the stress or worry. :lol:


    I mean of course mathematically it's possible, but the chances of either one of Liverpool or Brighton winning every single game as well as making 10-12 goals on us is very, very slim. 


    The chances of us not winning 2 more games is also very, very slim. 

    I do think Liverpool win all their games to finish on 71 points but I also think we get at least the 7 from a possible 15 that we need

  2. 5 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    People aren't actually worried about Brighton are they? If we take 2 wins as our baseline (anything less than that and we don't deserve to qualify anyway), that'd mean Brighton would need to win 5 and draw 1 of their last 6 games and then have to rely on their GD overtaking us. 

    Plus you factor in their run in, they'd do very well to even get to 67-69 points


    Arsenal (a)

    City (H)

    Us (a)

    Villa (a)


    That's 4 tough fixtures, the other two are easy, Everton (H) and Southampton (a)

  3. 1 minute ago, Miggys First Goal said:

    WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!?! [emoji38]

    I mean I didn't want to pick on anyone as it wasn't an isolated thing and plenty of posts can be quoted but the lack of patience from some of the fans at the time was infuriating 



  4. 1 minute ago, Mazzy said:


    We'd lose out on both of those.


    Thank fuck its not closer than it is. We won't need GD or any of that. Good old fashioned points will be enough.

    But we'd beat Man-U if it came to that between us, though I don't think it will 

  5. He's incredible and it's class how he's unanimously adored but my guilty pleasure is to read from page 560 as a reminder it wasn't always this delightful, a fair number of people had turned on him

  6. 15 hours ago, Ace said:

    Messi has been an absolute shit bag with all this at PSG and yet he doesn’t seem to get criticised.


    Like with the tax evasion he’s Teflon, Imagine the shit Cristiano would get if he went on like Messi did


    Ronaldo also got done for tax evasion but I mostly hear it used as a stick to beat Messi with


    Then again Ronaldo has done far worse than that so I guess tax evasion is mild in comparison

  7. For anyone that is "worried", just ask yourself a simple question, would you swap positions with Liverpool or Brighton? I suspect everyone would answer no without hesitation, which tells you what a lovely position we are in

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