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Posts posted by Steggy

  1. On Gosling being a better footballer than him. Gosling for Everton 2009-10 was better than Guthrie for us in the Premier League.


    Gosling has been out for a year with a cruciate ligament injury, there is absolutely no way you can just assume he will come back the exact same footballer he was in 2009-10. I'm not saying he will or won't, but snapping your ACL is a bitch of an injury and its not so simple to recover from.

  2. I'm just slightly sad that Kevin Nolan has left our football club.  :lol: Really liked him and hope he does well at West Ham. Although many on here don't rate his ability that high, it shouldn't be forgotten what he's done for us. Been a great leader and pulled the club out the shit when we've needed him. I shall never forget the day he took it upon himself to rape the fucking shit out of SAFC. Hope he gets a good reception whenever he's back at SJP.  

  3. He'll regret leaving. No idea why just can feel it. Like all the other guys who have bailed on the club. Given, Oba, Owen, Habib Beye, Bassong have all argubly done fuck all since they left and got shitter or are in worse situations now that they were with us.

  4. Its not the best we can offer at that level though. Carrol, Wilshere and Micah Richards were all absent. I only watched from half time to 70 mins but the game seemed pretty even and balanced in that period. The gulf certainly didn't seem that big. From the comments on here that must not have been representative of the whole game but people can't be that dissapointed with a 1-1 draw to the spanish, especially with Mancienne and Henderson in the middle. Absolutely dire central mid partnership. Would rather have my gran and grandad in there.

  5. I bet our plan B is fucking shite though. We were looking at some top players with KG and Gerv. We'll probably be on the phone to Lee Stewart tomorow morning.

  6. Stifler checking plain times. :lol: Loser.

    I said my first statement as a joke, the I thought fuck I might be right and curiosity got the better of me.


    For the record, it's plane not plain.


    Spelling corrections from Stifler.  :kinnear:


    I better lay low for a bit.

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