62,832 -
Everything posted by Interpolic
Haven't you got members to drive away? I'm on annual leave.
Don't want to hurt his feelings? He's been destroying ours with complete disregard for 3+ years. I don't really hate his quotes as much as most people, they're mostly just manager bollocks. Not that I want to start debating it. Still at this.
Thank God we are not in the Europa League again.
It would be amazing seeing his bullshit held up to such scrutiny.
"No. My romantic vision is to aim a bit higher than that". What the fuck is this, man.
It really appears like the Chronicle have hung him out to dry the last few days with 4-5 articles, but all they've done is printed his stupid quotes.
Canny idea. Or if you just want somewhere to keep a record of them for now, set up a thread similar to Ample Samples where all of the quotes are categorised in the OP. Whoever did that was a clever lad.
Yet another awful quote. I didn't expect to win at Villa Alan, because you're a fucking terrible football manager.
http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/i-hate-pardew-soooooo-much.959811/ Some funny stuff in there, including:
Jesus Christ. Could just take me word for it like.
From the same article: So the players won't believe a word he says now but acting the smart-arse in a press conference is clearly more important than that!
Read that earlier but can't find it now Such a disgusting quote from Pardew man. I mean it was kind of offensive right?! http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/alan-pardew-hopes-jack-colbacks-7685702 “He’s a terrific player, the last time we won a World Cup we had a ginger in Alan Ball. “Now we’ve got another one. About time!” Fucking hell, he's always talked all kinds of shit but he's talked more shit about Colback so far than is bearable to read.
Has the Alan Ball stuff been in here yet?
But he said: “Sunderland fans knew he was our player anyway, they just stole him for a little while.” Seriously, how has he got the nerve to try to wind that lot up when they humiliate every one of his sides that is put in front of them?! Just shut the fuck up, man.
Some nice shots of the areas around the ground in this video.
My brother did say he'd be useless at organising it tbf - it doesn't look like he started the thread to volunteer for organising duties, more to start a discussion and have somebody else organising it who feels more confident doing so. Hence why he's asked somebody else to organise it multiple times, which is fair enough IMO. Think it is a good idea to start a new thread with the confirmed date in the title to get people committed, anyway. Don't think I can make it btw, sorry.
That better get taken down for being fucking offensive if so.
Please, somebody deploy the brummie signal.
Every fucking year Chelsea's cup draws in the early stages are a piece of piss.
He's fucking unbearable at the minute.
My usual response would be "We are shit every game anyway, why not see a bit of entertainment from a genuinely talented attacker?", responses generally include the words "thick and thin", "been worse", "the 80s", "McKeag", "lazy bastard", "always been trouble", etc. I'm trying not to post on there anymore, although there are some good contributors there are just as many insufferably thick superfan twats.