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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. Why was the King binned? Was it due to the Pard Nut?
  2. Same, I'm on the bus and people are looking, but so fuck.
  3. They should feed him to Rolf Harris.
  4. Fuck off, Jack. (Haven't even clicked or read it).
  5. Interpolic

    LoĂŻc Remy

    Liverpool should be in for him if they're selling Suarez.
  6. We will honestly get to a stage where nobody posts anything, through fear of Giggs. Was just about to Giggs him like, don't get me wrong.
  7. Holland have been the first side Argentina have played that have been anywhere near their level tbf, you expect exceptional players to be able to impose themselves.
  8. Messi's been canny good this tournament on the whole, will never understand why Argentina look such a limited side given their talent elsewhere and the opposition they've faced though.
  9. As sad it sounds 2002 was hard to enjoy too much because of the kick off times. Waking up early to watch England v Nigeria Was horrific. Watching Eng-Brazil in the hall at school before first lesson. Destroyed it all. My parents writing to the school that I had a dentist's appointment then coming to pick me up for it at lunchtime so I could watch England vs Tunisia in '98. Watched that in our middle school French room as it was the only one that had a TV with an aerial, absolute chaos when Shearer nodded in. Chaos.
  10. I predict at least 3 replies that imply the reason you say that is you being Spanish. I was almost one of the three. Same That's effectively 3 then, including Deuce.
  11. I predict at least 3 replies that imply the reason you say that is you being Spanish. The knockouts have seen a decrease in fearless, enterprising football but still lots of dramas. All recent World Cups have seen far more cagey football in the later stages.
  12. It certainly wasn't the football IIRC. Think 98 was actually better.
  13. Despite the horrible loss yesterday, I've really enjoyed it. The best that I can remember, only 2002 beats it because of the fact that brazil won it. '94 was better. You won that too, of course. I was only 9 and I remember how fucking good that was. I was obviously more cynical than you at that age, it's only recently that I've developed such an air of positivity.
  14. Didn't think 1994 was that special but I was only 10. Certainly the best one I can recall.
  15. That and Vlaar taking the first pen were idiotic managerial decisions. You've got a keeper stood there knowing the manager doesn't think he's any good at saving pens.
  16. Hope whoever wins this gets fucking nailed on Sunday like.
  17. Hate the way he says Messi. "Mey-see". Hang him.
  18. Tbh I thought it was areet before Mascherano hit his heed, might have been duped by the great atmosphere though.
  19. Probably. Don't care tbh, the game's soft enough. This If he thinks he's well enough to come back on, so be it. I totally disagree like. Players will always say they want to come back on, same as they say they're not injured when they are.
  20. It's because they realise it looks like shite but it's too late to change it. Probably. It's because they don't care about engaging supporters or maximising revenue, it's as simple as that.
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