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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. Ooooh, this is going to absolutely fuck the fantasy football if they have to play on a different day.
  2. Looking forward to seeing this more than the England match by a long shot.
  3. What the fuck! Not watching it, is it really that bad?
  4. 2-0, fancy a clean sheet.
  5. The success has completely went to Neil's head here like.
  6. How did you collate the relevant posts then? Rattled.
  7. The joke gene's sadly lacking.
  8. He's really not that good imo, far too much fuss over him.
  9. http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/540471_380933355298627_518930885_n.jpg
  10. Seems a bit of an ego trip to me, they've signed some players seemingly just to show they can. Works for me.
  11. To get 1.48+ we need to beat 64 points, would be another fantastic season if it happened never mind how it affected this table I'm now more bothered about this table.
  12. You keep them, once you've got them you've got them.
  13. Neil's top? In what is essentially a predictions game? World's gone nuts. I was above him a few days ago as well.
  14. Plus it's ordered on a points per game basis, rather than by total points.
  15. Most notable thing about that table is that it shows what a nosedive Leeds actually took, they were always near the top before they fucked up. Obviously spent a fortune mind.
  16. Maybe I should move to Australia where they put cowies in the water, probably wouldn't be such a miserable twat.
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