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Everything posted by Boosden

  1. Boosden

    Phil Brown

    They will but no one will remember anything like that happening
  2. Boosden

    Phil Brown

    Rock bottom hahahaha
  3. http://www4.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Arsenal+Training+Press+Conference+6e97avrVBykl.jpg
  4. Viral ad for that new skinny pepsi?
  5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1373431/Manchester-City-fans-miss-Wembley-FA-Cup-semi-final-ticket-theft.html
  6. Boosden

    NUFC photos

  7. Boosden

    Alan Pardew

    I've taking to calling it the Pardew Pirouette
  8. It did, The only part I heard was "You find a dead rat and you think it's a treat"
  9. Boosden

    Alan Pardew

    Just typed Pardew into my phone with predictive text on and it just stops at raped
  10. Boosden

    Alan Pardew

    Nicked from SMB http://www.stmoo.com/stuff/pardew.gif
  11. Boosden

    Alan Pardew

    Hopefully there is still some snow/ice around the Milburn stand so people can launch some welcoming snow balls at him
  12. Boosden

    Alan Pardew

    http://www.meh.ro/original/2009_12/meh.ro3066.jpg Dey turrrrrk his job
  13. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/09/16/article-0-02AB30DA00000578-226_468x375.jpg "Vertical stripes are indeed slimming"
  14. http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/605/beehive.jpg Proof
  15. Japanese on the runway???
  16. Gutted and really pissed off. What more could the guy do? He has been a really good thing to happen too the club. A small blip in a league we would have struggled to survive in anyway. The players want him in charge the vast majority of fans want him in charge (Bar mongs) Don't see who we can get in and make those quality signings with the budget Hughton had. I'm embarrassed to be a Newcastle fan right now, we are the ones who will get the blame for being delusional and expecting a top 4 finish in our first season back.
  17. Liked how he kept it simple today. Under pressure and he just cleared the ball
  18. Seemed today one of the players to push forward, (I understand why we wernt chucking everyone forward) Thought he played very well had the beating off cole all day (The arsehole) Erned a start against WBA imo
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