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About Stifler

  1. Stifler

    St James' Park

    Yeah, tickets have just went on sale.
  2. Stifler

    St James' Park

    They haven’t chosen KSS. Both the headline and the article state that it is just their proposal and that they are 1 of many architecture groups providing proposals.
  3. Stifler

    St James' Park

    Just the KSS proposal, it doesn’t mean the club will opt for their option. I highly doubt they would, especially with a £4bn budget.
  4. Stifler

    St James' Park

    Officially the club have always said Spring.
  5. Stifler

    St James' Park

    Me and LFEE were at the NUST meeting last night. Nothing of detail was said, but it was said that the feeling they are getting is that we are moving and the decision is made.
  6. Stifler

    St James' Park

    It would still be writhing their spring deadline to be honest. Some Twitter gobshite said March, and everyone ran with it.
  7. Stifler

    St James' Park

    From how I have read it, the bubble wrap option is just 1 possible look for a new stadium. They have invited architects to create proposals, and that is KSS’. I very much doubt the club would be willing to spend up to £4bn to have a copy and paste of the Allianz arena.
  8. Stifler

    St James' Park

    I wouldn’t worry about it, we’ll be getting a new stadium.
  9. I hope he’s a massive success back there.
  10. Stifler

    St James' Park

    Both Bayern Munich and Juventus would be evidence to the counter.
  11. Stifler

    St James' Park

    A new ground could facilitate a better atmosphere with the structure engineered to keep the noise in. It is however up to the crowd to make it.
  12. Stifler


    This is the ground that was only beaten by Millwall in having to stop the BLM kneeling because of the crowd bewing.
  13. We’ll get this format next year.
  14. Can’t stand that fucking weasel Arty Ziff cunt.
  15. Aye, if I was Villa I’d be cashing in on that and keeping Duran. I’d also be tempted by going in for David or similar.
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