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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Can you imagine. In my head it'll end up in a practice games, HBA skillfully breezes past Williamson and Jonas, before setting up Cisse, only to turn around to see Pardew shaking his head, Kinnear next to him "Ben whatsyaname, how dare you not just aimlessly hoof it forward, go sit in the corner and think about what you've done".
  2. did they just say Soldado had looked great for Athletico Madrid last year?
  3. would be surprised if this was anything other than a big score.
  4. Is this really that much better? (apart from not having to have our players appear in sports direct TV ads)
  5. origionally read the thread title at Heart-ometer, thought this was going to be a poll on how long it'll take untill JFK's next heart attack...
  6. At least JFK is too much of a dinosaur to use youtube
  7. He could be this season's Haidara or he could be this seasons Moyo, but he'll probably be this season's Oliver Kemen imo.
  8. Wonder if one of the reason's he's spoken about it now, not earlier (if the negotiations have been going on for 3 weeks) is to go past the renewal date for season tickets and therefore the date where people can get refunds?
  9. has the club confirmed this? I'm holding onto the idea that Kinnear has just been spouting shit
  10. Greatness lives on? and moves to america for a final pay check presumably.
  11. Couldn't help but notice they wern't in Perch's stag do pictures. clear rift in the camp.
  12. http://i.imgur.com/TFUOw.gif pretty much somes up my feelings on football thanks to the past couple of months, this will just be the icing on the turd cake.
  13. I think that 3-0 is the most positive i've felt after being beaten 3-0, so much posetivity around the club at the time, looked like we were really about to go places under Keegan
  14. can't remember the last time a corner was scored and noone made a Pardew comment
  15. Which is why i'm personally looking forward to watching how Norwich do next year, with the likes of Van Wolfswinkel joining them.
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