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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. handbags at el classico? well theres a surprise
  2. Part of it is probably down to Tito being gone too. They've looked okay this season until he had to take some time out. Would agree with this. Think Tito actually improved barca at the start of this season, seemed to be more willing to be a little bit more direct and have a bit more purpose than they did at the end of Pep's reign.
  3. Goal from a corner, what a novel idea.
  4. "Applicants are encouraged to use the Express Service...The Express Service is priced at £210." "Applicants who are self-employed, company directors working from home and those not in employment may be required to show bank statements for the last three months which have a current balance of £100 per day for the duration of their visit. They must show the applicant's name, transactions and current balance." I'm out
  5. Those giant inflatable people at Barca
  6. Pen to Real looked stonewall on first viewing
  7. Caroll scores, i'm sure hes getting even uglier.
  8. 3, far too early to think we're safe just yet, but things are definatly looking up.
  9. Ffs still stuck at central, this is taking the shine off the 3 Points . I thought we played okay, nothing special, but Southampton impressed me tbh, playing football the right way. Don't deserve to be as low as they are. Hope this 3 points means Pardew will feel okay with playing a strong team in Europe. Not convinved on Jonas in this formation though, looks lost and definatly the odd one out, hopefully when Hatem returns this wont be a problem.
  10. I wouldn't mind if Jose brough CRonaldo here with him in the summer i guess. Would be a decent option to bring on for Shola when he starts tiring.
  11. aye, looks ludicrously expensive for a visa just to visit for a few days.
  12. Moscow it is. Heathrow to Moscow on the 6th, returning on the 9th, £217. tempting....
  13. so, Anzhi play they're european games in moscow right?
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