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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. can't believe he's so young. going to be absolute quality.
  2. commentator mentioning we have 3 strong keepers, wonder how many on here would agree...
  3. so odd to be watching us and not have a quality finisher. how the Dembas have changed us.
  4. is this ref competing with the one against everton for the worst performance of the year award?
  5. oh look a free kick played to mike Williamson, didn't see that coming.
  6. hope Gosling can prove us all wrong. decent team, big fan of the solid defence and wor Shola as captain.
  7. boring standard 1-0 away european win. need the 3 points off this lot if we want to progress.
  8. Lyon/Liverpool/Bordeaux/Newcastle/Pilzen most worried about us, but i think they're decent odds for us actually.
  9. http://twitter.yfrog.com/obn7vhdlj can't believe our club tweets pics of our players sleeping on the plane
  10. Englands Womens just gone 3-0 up. empty seat central at Walsall like.
  11. What a load of bollocks, given the apparent estimate of 16000 travelling fans, how is having nearly 10 fans in the pub to every one in the ground going to help the police. So annoyed at this news.
  12. 5 of them played last night, bit much asking those coming back from injury to play so much in 3 days?
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