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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. we're going to drink Brugge dry if 16000 is correct
  2. not surprising given the amount of people trying on here going.
  3. he'll have to buy a seperate ticket from Brussels. wouldn't imagine it would be very expensive though.
  4. beginning to worry, i have over 20 points so i reckon i should be okay, but my dad only has the 1. seems to be half of newcastle travelling.
  5. Not sure - probably £20 or so. If you book through Thomas Cook you'll get a ticket but see nowt of Bruges or Bordeaux which defeats the object imo. The Eurostar deal is fantastic, I paid around £80 (x 2) more last week. i assumed the bit that said "Applications will be confirmed subject to each applicant meeting the Club’s selling criteria". meant that they'd still have to have the same loyalty points etc. as everyone else? surely thats the case, otherwise its really unfair on those who will miss out because someone wen't through thomas cook despite having no loyalty points/season ticket etc. anybody know for certain?
  6. What makes you say that? plus if Marveaux is to play on the left like people are asking it's more of a 4-2-3-1 or 4-5-1. if Marveaux plays then i can see it doing okay. but i just feel that when we're playing as poorly as we are right now, if we don't play a more boring, organised 4-4-2, i think theres a chance we just won't have the energy to compete right now. wouldn't mind us playing 4-4-1-1 right now tbh, with Hatem behind a lone striker, preferably Ba.
  7. Does that include a bed for the night too? website says hotel + flight + transfers + ticket but this seems to be just a day trip i think, so straight there, straight back, which seems a bit rubbish. also on the brugge bit it says it just includes: Return flights (including all taxes and charges) In-flight catering Transfers Representative Service
  8. so people can just bump ahead of season ticket holders etc. in the queue to get tickets because they go with thomas cook? dosn't seem fair at all. EDIT: "Your match ticket is only guaranteed when your application has been confirmed. Applications will be confirmed subject to each applicant meeting the Club’s selling criteria" apparently not, good.
  9. i think the way everton play we'd get bummed in a 4-3-3.
  10. i'd of thought at his level of fame, Ronaldo would of earned most of his money on sponsorship anyway.
  11. have to say, a really dissapointing thing for me was the crowd, during the first half quite a lot of people near me we really tearing into our players. there's just no need, havn't heard it that bad since the relegation season,
  12. thats actually a little bit scary. the silver fox strikes again.
  13. nothing like watchin Gerrard and co fail.
  14. team for premier league: best available team at the time. team for the cups: best available team at the time, with the odd youngster thrown in depending on opposition. time we took cups seriously. lots of people might ridicule the Europa League, but its a massive cup, and not to be taken lightly.
  15. Liverpool: Reina, Johnson, Skrtel, Agger, Jose Enrique, Gerrard, Allen, Sahin, Borini, Suarez, Sterling. Arsenal: Mannone, Jenkinson, Mertesacker, Vermaelen, Gibbs, Diaby, Arteta, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Cazorla, Podolski, Giroud. arsenal look a bit meh to me.
  16. glad Nolan is still doing his stupid chicken dance.
  17. it says a lot that i think that sounds quite high for him actually
  18. actually just laughed out loud when i saw him getting ready to come on
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