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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. that linesman looks like he belongs in a horror movie
  2. Alex 'Fergie time' Ferguson complaining about this of all people
  3. puyol in a lot of pain, grim viewing.
  4. bet on Bayern, barca, Man U and Chelsea. who needs money anyway
  5. maybe_next_year


    Why would they be big in Africa, theyre not even big in the North East of England unity in poverty?
  6. just encourages fat sam to stick to defending now.
  7. They do have a whiff of a club that would buy magic beans if they had a decent youtube vid. we need to show them the video of Xisco
  8. i do quite like the centre midfielders QPR have got.
  9. any reason why people think its Sodico, or just the usual random specuation?
  10. would put off the opposition if they saw that coming towards them.
  11. GOt to be a deal with a different organization, virgin were paying quite a lot, too much for them to cancel it just to put sports direct on the shirts.
  12. i never knew about this before, i always liked Robert, even more now
  13. its not the system thats at fault, we've tried 4-3-3 and had the same problems, there is just so little urgency, movement and ideas when we get into that final third, we seem to slow down to walking pace the moment we get near the oppositions goal unless Hatem is in charge.
  14. people who use binoculars at matches.
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