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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. perfect example of football not existing outside the premier league according to them
  2. Collocini was at the cinema in the metrocentre with his two kids. hair looks even more awesome close up like
  3. the thing about saying how he's a 'great lad' and everything is awful if true. only sunderland players.
  4. on the topic of season-ticket bans, near my new seat i've noticed a sign on the womens toilets saying any male found in there will have their season ticket removed. would love to know why they feel that sign is required.
  5. 4. what we did do was good, but the lack of someone to play upfront is inexcusable. althought i have been impressed with the players we've aimed at, the failure to get one 'over the line' is disgraceful.
  6. i'm sure the stoke fans are begining to circle the presenter...
  7. looks like a rape about to happen...
  8. maybe_next_year

    Bryan Ruiz

    we've had a bid accepted apparently...
  9. why are the malaga players not standing around the centre circle for this?
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