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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. seems like a long time since a goal that good has been scored against us.
  2. on the bright side, I have another 90 mins of Merino-ball to add to the wank bank.
  3. helpful that he managed to miss the obvious stamp this time but not against spurs . how many premier league games is it now since we had a man sent off against us?
  4. But it's not the quantity, it's the *quality * of the empty crisp packets they throw onto the pitch that's important marra FYP
  5. This seemed the best place to post this, Does anyone on here coach kids? I just started coaching the school I work at's football clubs from ages 5-12 and they've never really had any instruction before and just sort of left to play games, so watching them play football is like watching a shoal of fish, even with the older kids they were averaging a pass every 5 minutes and as a result our school has a reputation for getting hammered every time they play against other schools. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips or ideas of drills I could do that could quickly make a difference to their passing and positioning, as it would be nice if these kids could go home without being embarrassed and demoralised for a change
  6. Could be worse, the bar I'm in couldn't find the match so instead of seeing the first five minutes of the game I got the joy of watching a Turkish soap opera dubbed into Albanian.
  7. Pretty sure Sanchez has been one of our better players today, seems to find a Newcastle player with every touch.
  8. Studs up, head hight, red card. don't see how thats a wrong decision.
  9. Funniest thing is that Balliu reportedly had no idea of his Albanian ancestry and was scouted by the Albanian FA, because his surname "sounded Albanian" (his father isn't Albanian as the article says, rather he descends from Albanians) and fast-tracked for citizenship Bloody hell, never thought I'd see someone post a link from the Tirana times on here Albania's scouting system spends a lot of its time looking abroad to find young talent that may have some sort of link to Albania, more in terms of ethnicity than the actual place. Which makes sense given that something stupid like 20% of the country left when communism fell, then you've got all the kosovans (who are ethnically Albanian) who fled that war, so there's a few members of the squad who had never even been to Albania before they got called up, like Xhaka for example. Albanian nationalism is bonkers in general though, for example, Mustafi was all over the news and was celebrated country wide when he posted this picture of himself, the hand gesture is an Albanian nationalistic symbol (double headed eagle), despite the fact he's just won a trophy for Germany and his family is from Macedonia.
  10. Well it was better than ours and thats their whole clubs aim.
  11. He'll be especially dissapointed given that he's moved there for footballing reasons...
  12. He's still obviously a good player, just not fitted to English league. Good signing by them, won't be missed by us.
  13. Love this Mitro is perfectly good back up, hate the fact there seems to be no middle ground with opinions on him. And PartizanFc, good luck for the rest of the season, glad to see you've got a relatively easy draw in the europa league, might try and watch you play Skanderbeu, who you should be beating comfortably... just gotta watch out for drones in the home game
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